首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology >Food Security in the United Arab Emirates; the Role of the State in Overseas Farm Crops Production

Food Security in the United Arab Emirates; the Role of the State in Overseas Farm Crops Production




With its increasing population and continuing rapid infrastructural development in order to deal with international events such as Expo 2020, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has created a pull-in environment for a large international labor force eager to work and settle down in the country. Food security has become an important issue as a result of the population growth and the labour force increase. The aim of this paper is to review and analyze a number of approaches, which could point the way to fostering policy options for achieving long term and sustainable food security for the UAE. Within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the UAE produces an extremely limited amount of its necessary foodstuffs, and as the UAE population increased from 557,000 in 1975 to over 8.5million at the end of 2012, and during that time the annual expenditure on food imports exceeded AED 41.7billion (Arab Emirate Dirham, 1 USD=3.67 Dirham). In fact the country depends almost entirely on imports, especially cereals. Rice, for example, is a vital staple primarily imported from India, Pakistan, Thailand and Vietnam. This paper focuses on the UAE alternatives to deal with food security by growing food in some friendly countries. Alternatives of 1) increasing food production locally; 2) direct importation; and 3) leasing farmland for food production in other friendly countries are examined to answer the main question raised in this paper.
机译:为了应对诸如2020年世博会这样的国际事件,人口不断增长,基础设施的持续快速发展,阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)为渴望在该国工作和定居的庞大国际劳动力创造了一个准入环境。 。由于人口增长和劳动力增加,粮食安全已成为重要问题。本文的目的是审查和分析许多方法,这些方法可以为促进实现阿联酋的长期和可持续粮食安全的政策选择指明道路。在海湾合作委员会(GCC)内,阿联酋生产的必需食品极少,随着阿联酋人口从1975年的557,000增至2012年底的850万,在此期间每年的粮食支出进口额超过417亿迪拉姆(阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拉姆,1美元= 3.67迪拉姆)。实际上,该国几乎完全依赖进口,尤其是谷物。例如,大米是主要从印度,巴基斯坦,泰国和越南进口的重要主食。本文着眼于阿联酋通过在一些友好国家种植粮食来解决粮食安全的替代方案。 1)增加当地粮食产量的替代方法; 2)直接进口; 3)研究了在其他友好国家租用土地进行粮食生产的方法,以回答本文提出的主要问题。



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