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Water vapor observations up to the lower stratosphere through the Raman lidar during the Ma?do Lidar Calibration Campaign

机译:在Ma?do Lidar校准活动中通过拉曼激光雷达观测到平流层下部的水汽



A new lidar system devoted to tropospheric and lower stratospheric watervapor measurements has been installed at the Ma?do altitude stationfacility of Réunion island, in the southern subtropics.To evaluate the performances and the capabilities of the new system with aparticular focus on UTLS (Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere) measurements, the Ma?do Lidar Calibration Campaign(MALICCA) was performed in April 2013.Varying the characteristics of the transmitter and the receiver components,different system configuration scenarios were tested and possible parasitesignals (fluorescent contamination, rejection) were investigated. A hybridcalibration methodology has been set up and validated to insure optimallidar calibration stability with time. In particular, the receivertransmittance is monitored through the calibration lamp method that, at themoment, can detect transmittance variations greater than 10–15%.Calibration coefficients are then calculated through the hourly values ofIWV (Integrated Water Vapor) provided by the co-located GPS. The comparison between the constantsderived by GPS and Vaisala RS92 radiosondes launched at Ma?do duringMALICCA, points out an acceptable agreement in terms of accuracy of the meancalibration value (with a difference of approximately 2–3%), but asignificant difference in terms of variability (14% vs. 7–9%, forGPS and RS92 calibration procedures, respectively).We obtained a relatively good agreement between the lidar measurements and15 co-located and simultaneous RS92 radiosondes. A relative difference below10% is measured in the low and middle troposphere (2–10 km). The uppertroposphere (up to 15 km) is characterized by a larger spread (approximately20%), because of the increasing distance between the two sensors.To measure water vapor in the UTLS region, nighttime and monthly water vaporprofiles are presented and compared. The good agreement between the lidarmonthly profile and the mean WVMR profile measured by satellite MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder) has beenused as a quality control procedure of the lidar product, attesting theabsence of significant wet biases and validating the calibration procedure.Due to its performance and location, the MAIDO H2O lidar will become areference instrument in the southern subtropics, insuring the long-termsurvey of the vertical distribution of water vapor. Furthermore, this systemallows the investigation of several scientific themes, such asstratosphere–troposphere exchange, tropospheric dynamics in the subtropics,and links between cirrus clouds and water vapor.
机译:在南亚热带的留尼旺岛的Ma?do高度站设施上安装了一种专门用于对流层和低平流层水汽测量的新型激光雷达系统。 为了评估该新系统的性能和具有特殊功能的能力2013年4月,Ma?do Lidar校准运动(MALICCA)着重于对流层(UTL)的测量,并着眼于UTLS(平流层上空)。 根据发射机和接收机组件的特性,测试了不同的系统配置方案并研究了可能的寄生信号(荧光污染,排斥)。已经建立并验证了混合校准方法,以确保随时间的最佳校准校准稳定性。尤其是,通过校准灯方法监控接收器的透射率,该方法可以立即检测到大于10%到15%的透射率变化。然后,通过位于同一地点的GPS提供的IWV(综合水蒸气)的小时值来计算校准系数。 。在MALICCA期间,由GPS和Ma?do发射的Vaisala RS92探空仪得出的常数之间的比较指出,就平均校准值的准确性而言,可以接受的协议(相差约2-3%),而在可变性方面则有显着差异(分别针对GPS和RS92校准程序,分别为14%和7–9%)。 我们在激光雷达测量结果与15个并置和同时的RS92探空仪之间获得了相对较好的一致性。在对流层中低层(2-10 km)测得的相对差异在10%以下。由于两个传感器之间的距离不断增加,对流层上层(最长15 km)的特征是传播范围更大(约20%)。 要测量UTLS地区的水汽,夜间和每月的水汽分布是介绍和比较。卫星MLS(微波测深仪)测得的激光雷达月剖面与平均WVMR剖面之间的良好一致性已被用作激光雷达产品的质量控制程序,证明了没有明显的湿偏并验证了校准程序。
由于其性能和位置,MAIDO H 2 O激光雷达将成为南亚热带地区的参考仪器,确保对水蒸气垂直分布的长期测量。此外,该系统还允许研究几个科学主题,例如平流层-对流层交换,亚热带对流层动力学以及卷云与水蒸气之间的联系。



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