首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric Measurement Techniques >Optical properties of different aerosol types: seven years of combined Raman-elastic backscatter lidar measurements in Thessaloniki, Greece

Optical properties of different aerosol types: seven years of combined Raman-elastic backscatter lidar measurements in Thessaloniki, Greece




We present our combined Raman/elastic backscatter lidar observations whichwere carried out at the EARLINET station of Thessaloniki, Greece, during theperiod 2001–2007. The largest optical depths are observed for Saharan dustand smoke aerosol particles. For local and continental polluted aerosols themeasurements indicate high aerosol loads. However, measurements associatedwith the local path indicate enhanced aerosol load within the PlanetaryBoundary Layer. The lowest value of aerosol optical depth is observed forcontinental aerosols, from West directions with less free troposphericcontribution. The largest lidar ratios, of the order of 70 sr, are found forbiomass burning aerosols. A significant and distinct correlation betweenlidar ratio and backscatter related ?ngstr?m exponent values wereestimated for different aerosol categories. Scatter plot between lidar ratiovalues and ?ngstr?m exponent values for local and continentalpolluted aerosols does not show a significant correlation, with a largevariation in both parameters possibly due to variable absorptioncharacteristics of these aerosols. Finally for continental aerosols withwest and northwest directions that follow downward movement when arriving atour site constantly low lidar ratios almost independent of size are found.
机译:我们介绍了拉曼/弹性后向散射激光雷达的组合观测结果,该观测结果是在2001-2007年期间在希腊塞萨洛尼基的EARLINET站进行的。观察到撒哈拉尘埃和烟雾颗粒的最大光学深度。对于局部和大陆污染的气溶胶,测量表明气溶胶负荷很高。但是,与本地路径相关的测量结果表明,PlanetaryBoundary层内的气溶胶负荷增加。从西向观察到的对流性气溶胶光学深度的最小值最低,对流层自由度较低。对于生物质燃烧的气溶胶,发现最大的激光雷达比率约为70 sr。对于不同的气溶胶类别,估计了激光比与反向散射相关的指数指数值之间的显着相关性。局部和大陆污染的气溶胶的激光雷达比率值和手指指数值之间的散点图没有显示出显着的相关性,这两个参数的差异很大,可能是由于这些气溶胶的吸收特性不同。最终,对于到达西部和西北方向后沿向下运动的大陆气溶胶,到达目的地时会发现其恒定的低激光雷达比几乎与大小无关。



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