首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Seasonal and spatial variability of surface ozone over China: contributions from background and domestic pollution

Seasonal and spatial variability of surface ozone over China: contributions from background and domestic pollution




Both observations and a 3-D chemical transport model suggest that surfaceozone over populated eastern China features a summertime trough and that themonth when surface ozone peaks differs by latitude and region.Source-receptor analysis is used to quantify the contributions of backgroundozone and Chinese anthropogenic emissions on this variability. Annual meanbackground ozone over China shows a spatial gradient from 55 ppbv in thenorthwest to 20 ppbv in the southeast, corresponding with changes intopography and ozone lifetime. Pollution background ozone (annual mean of12.6 ppbv) shows a minimum in the summer and maximum in the spring. On themonthly-mean basis, Chinese pollution ozone (CPO) has a peak of 20–25 ppbvin June north of the Yangtze River and in October south of it, which explains thepeaks of surface ozone in these months. The summertime trough in surfaceozone over eastern China can be explained by the decrease of backgroundozone from spring to summer (by ?15 ppbv regionally averaged over easternChina). Tagged simulations suggest that long-range transport of ozone fromnorthern mid-latitude continents (including Europe and North America)reaches a minimum in the summer, whereas ozone from Southeast Asia exhibitsa maximum in the summer over eastern China. This contrast in seasonalityprovides clear evidence that the seasonal switch in monsoonal wind patternsplays a significant role in determining the seasonality of background ozoneover China.
机译:观测结果和3-D化学运移模型均表明,中国东部人口稠密的地表带具有夏季低谷,地表臭氧峰随纬度和地区的月份不同。使用源-受体分析来量化背景带和中国人为排放的贡献在这个可变性上。中国的年平均背景臭氧显示出从西北部的55 ppbv到东南部的20 ppbv的空间梯度,这与地形和臭氧寿命的变化相对应。污染本底臭氧(年平均浓度为12.6 ppbv)在夏季最低,在春季最高。按月平均,中国污染臭氧(CPO)在长江以北6月和10月以南10月为20-25 ppbvin的峰值,这解释了这几个月的地面臭氧高峰。中国东部地表带的夏季低谷可以用春季至夏季背景带的减少来解释(中国东部地区平均水平为15 ppbv)。带有标签的模拟表明,夏季中北部高纬度地区(包括欧洲和北美)的臭氧远距离输送在夏​​季达到最低,而东南亚地区的臭氧在夏季在中国东部的输送最大。这种季节性差异提供了明确的证据,表明季风风型的季节转换在确定整个中国背景臭氧的季节性方面起着重要作用。



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