首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Seasonal variability of PMsub2.5/sub composition and sources in the Klang Valley urban-industrial environment

Seasonal variability of PMsub2.5/sub composition and sources in the Klang Valley urban-industrial environment

机译:巴生谷城市工业环境中PM 2.5 的组成和来源的季节变化



This study investigates the fine particulate matter (PMsub2.5/sub) variability in the Klang Valley urban-industrial environment. In total, 94 daily PMsub2.5/sub samples were collected during a 1-year campaign from August 2011 to July 2012. This is the first paper on PMsub2.5/sub mass, chemical composition and sources in the tropical environment of Southeast Asia, covering all four seasons (distinguished by the wind flow patterns) including haze events. The samples were analysed for various inorganic components and black carbon (BC). The chemical compositions were statistically analysed and the temporal aerosol pattern (seasonal) was characterised using descriptive analysis, correlation matrices, enrichment factor (EF), stoichiometric analysis and chemical mass closure (CMC). For source apportionment purposes, a combination of positive matrix factorisation (PMF) and multi-linear regression (MLR) was employed. Further, meteorological–gaseous parameters were incorporated into each analysis for improved assessment. In addition, secondary data of total suspended particulate (TSP) and coarse particulate matter (PMsub10/sub) sampled at the same location and time with this study (collected by Malaysian Meteorological Department) were used for PM ratio assessment. The results showed that PMsub2.5/sub mass averaged at 28?±?18?μg?msup?3/sup, 2.8-fold higher than the World Health Organisation (WHO) annual guideline. On a daily basis, the PMsub2.5/sub mass ranged between 6 and 118?μg?msup?3/sup with the daily WHO guideline exceeded 43?% of the time. The north-east (NE) monsoon was the only season with less than 50?% sample exceedance of the daily WHO guideline. On an annual scale, PMsub2.5/sub mass correlated positively with temperature (iT/i) and wind speed (WS) but negatively with relative humidity (RH). With the exception of NOsubix/i/sub, the gases analysed (CO, NOsub2/sub, NO and SOsub2/sub) were found to significantly influence the PMsub2.5/sub mass. Seasonal variability unexpectedly showed that rainfall, WS and wind direction (WD) did not significantly correlate with PMsub2.5/sub mass. Further analysis on the PMsub2.5/sub?∕?PMsub10/sub, PMsub2.5/sub?∕?TSP and PMsub10/sub?∕?TSP ratios reveal that meteorological parameters only greatly influenced the coarse particles (particles with an aerodynamic diameter of greater than 2.5?μm) and less so the fine particles at the site. Chemical composition showed that both primary and secondary pollutants of PMsub2.5/sub are equally important, albeit with seasonal variability. The CMC components identified were in the decreasing order of (mass contribution) BC?&?secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA)?&?dust?&?trace elements?&?sea salt &?Ksup+/sup. The EF analysis distinguished two groups of trace elements: those with anthropogenic sources (Pb, Se, Zn, Cd, As, Bi, Ba, Cu, Rb, V and Ni) and those with a crustal source (Sr, Mn, Co and Li). The five identified factors resulting from PMF 5.0 were (1)?combustion of engine oil, (2)?mineral dust, (3)?mixed SIA and biomass burning, (4)?mixed traffic and industrial and (5)?sea salt. Each of these sources had an annual mean contribution of 17, 14, 42, 10 and 17?% respectively. The dominance of each identified source largely varied with changing season and a few factors were in agreement with the CMC, EF and stoichiometric analysis, accordingly. In relation to meteorological–gaseous parameters, PMsub2.5/sub sources were influenced by different parameters during different seasons. In addition, two air pollution episodes (HAZE) revealed the influence of local and/or reg
机译:这项研究调查了巴生谷城市工业环境中的细颗粒物(PM 2.5 )的变异性。在2011年8月至2012年7月的1年活动中,总共收集了94个每日PM 2.5 样品。这是有关PM 2.5 的质量,化学成分和质量的第一篇论文。东南亚热带环境中的来源,涵盖了包括雾霾事件在内的所有四个季节(被风流模式区分)。分析了样品中的各种无机成分和黑碳(BC)。对化学成分进行统计分析,并使用描述性分析,相关矩阵,富集因子(EF),化学计量分析和化学物质封闭(CMC)对时间气溶胶模式(季节)进行表征。为了进行源分配,采用了正矩阵分解(PMF)和多线性回归(MLR)的组合。此外,气象-气体参数被纳入到每个分析中以改进评估。此外,本研究在同一地点和同一时间采样的总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)和粗颗粒物(PM 10 )的二次数据(由马来西亚气象部门收集)用于PM比率评估。 。结果表明,PM 2.5 的平均质量为28?±?18?μg?m ?3 ,是世界卫生组织(WHO)年度指南的2.8倍。每天,PM 2.5 的质量范围在6到118?ggm·m ?3 之间,而每日WHO准则超过该时间的43%。东北季风是唯一超出每日WHO准则样本不足50%的季节。在年尺度上,PM 2.5 的质量与温度( T )和风速(WS)正相关,而与相对湿度(RH)负相关。除NO x 外,分析的气体(CO,NO 2 ,NO和SO 2 )为被发现会显着影响PM 2.5 的质量。季节变化出乎意料地表明,降雨,西风和风向与PM 2.5 质量没有显着相关。对PM 2.5 ?>?PM 10 ,PM 2.5 ?∕?TSP和PM 10 ?的进一步分析TS?TSP比值表明,气象参数仅对粗颗粒(空气动力学直径大于2.5?μm的颗粒)产生很大影响,而对现场的细颗粒影响较小。化学成分表明,PM 2.5 的主要和次要污染物同等重要,尽管具有季节性差异。鉴定出的CMC成分按(质量贡献)BC 3>“二次无机气溶胶(SIA)>>“粉尘” >>微量元素>>“海盐” >> K K s +的降序排列。 。 EF分析区分了两组痕量元素:具有人为来源的元素(Pb,Se,Zn,Cd,As,Bi,Ba,Cu,Rb,V和Ni)和具有地壳来源的元素(Sr,Mn,Co和李)。 PMF 5.0导致的五个确定因素是:(1)机油燃烧,(2)矿物粉尘,(3)SIA和生物质混合燃烧,(4)交通和工业混合以及(5)海盐。这些来源的年均贡献分别为17、14、42、10和17%。每个确定的来源的优势随着季节的变化而变化很大,因此一些因素与CMC,EF和化学计量分析一致。关于气象气体参数,PM 2.5 源在不同季节受到不同参数的影响。此外,两次空气污染事件(HAZE)揭示了当地和/或法规的影响



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