首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Retrieval of ozone column content from airborne Sun photometer measurements during SOLVE II: comparison with coincident satellite and aircraft measurements

Retrieval of ozone column content from airborne Sun photometer measurements during SOLVE II: comparison with coincident satellite and aircraft measurements

机译:在SOLVE II期间从机载太阳光度计测量中检索臭氧柱含量:与同时进行的卫星和飞机测量的比较



During the 2003 SAGE (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment) III OzoneLoss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE) II, the fourteen-channel NASA AmesAirborne Tracking Sunphotometer (AATS-14) was mounted on the NASA DC-8aircraft and measured spectra of total and aerosol optical depth (TOD andAOD) during the sunlit portions of eight science flights. Values of ozonecolumn content above the aircraft have been derived from the AATS-14measurements by using a linear least squares method that exploits thedifferential ozone absorption in the seven AATS-14 channels located withinthe Chappuis band. We compare AATS-14 columnar ozone retrievals withtemporally and spatially near-coincident measurements acquired by the SAGEIII and the Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM) III satellite sensorsduring four solar occultation events observed by each satellite. RMSdifferences are 19 DU (7% of the AATS value) for AATS-SAGE and 10 DU(3% of the AATS value) for AATS-POAM. In these checks of consistencybetween AATS-14 and SAGE III or POAM III ozone results, the AATS-14 analysesuse airmass factors derived from the relative vertical profiles of ozone andaerosol extinction obtained by SAGE III or POAM III.

We also compare AATS-14 ozone retrievals for measurements obtained duringthree DC-8 flights that included extended horizontal transects with totalcolumn ozone data acquired by the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS)and the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) satellite sensors. Toenable these comparisons, the amount of ozone in the column below theaircraft is estimated either by assuming a climatological model or bycombining SAGE and/or POAM data with high resolution in-situ ozonemeasurements acquired by the NASA Langley Research Center chemiluminescentozone sensor, FASTOZ, during the aircraft vertical profile at the start orend of each flight. Resultant total column ozone values agree withcorresponding TOMS and GOME measurements to within 10-15 DU (~3%)for AATS data acquired during two flights - a longitudinal transect fromSweden to Greenland on 21 January, and a latitudinal transect from 47° Nto 35° N on 6 February. For the round trip DC-8 latitudinal transectbetween 34° N and 22° N on 19-20 December 2002, resultant AATS-14ozone retrievals plus below-aircraft ozone estimates yield a latitudinalgradient that is similar in shape to that observed by TOMS and GOME, butresultant AATS values exceed the corresponding satellite values by up to 30 DUat certain latitudes. These differences are unexplained, but they areattributed to spatial and temporal variability that was associated with thedynamics near the subtropical jet but was unresolved by the satellitesensors.

For selected cases, we also compare AATS-14 ozone retrievals with valuesderived from coincident measurements by the other two DC-8 based solaroccultation instruments: the National Center for Atmospheric Research Directbeam Irradiance Airborne Spectrometer (DIAS) and the NASA Langley ResearchCenter Gas and Aerosol Monitoring System (GAMS). AATS and DIAS retrievalsagree to within RMS differences of 1% of the AATS values for the 21January and 19-20 December flights, and 2.3% for the 6 February flight.Corresponding AATS-GAMS RMS differences are ~1.5% for the 21January flight; GAMS data were not compared for the 6 February flight andwere not available for the 19-20 December flight. Line of sight ozoneretrievals from coincident measurements obtained by the three DC-8 solaroccultation instruments during the SAGE III solar occultation event on 24January yield RMS differences of 2.1% for AATS-DIAS and 0.5% forAATS-GAMS.

机译:在2003年SAGE(平流层气溶胶和气体实验)III臭氧损失和验证实验(SOLVE)II中,将十四通道NASA Ames机载跟踪日光光度计(AATS-14)安装在NASA DC-8飞机上,并测量了总和气溶胶光学光谱在八次科学飞行的阳光照射部分的深度(TOD和AOD)。飞机上方臭氧柱含量的值已通过使用线性最小二乘法从ATS-14测量得出,该方法利用位于Chappuis频带内的七个ATS-14通道中的差分臭氧吸收率。我们将AATS-14柱状臭氧反演与SAGEIII和极地臭氧和气溶胶测量(POAM)III卫星传感器在每个卫星观测到的四次太阳掩星事件中获得的时间和空间接近一致测量值进行了比较。 AATS-SAGE的RMS差异为19 DU(AATS值的7%),AATS-POAM的RMS差异为10 DU(AATS值的3%)。在AATS-14与SAGE III或POAM III臭氧之间的一致性检查中,AATS-14分析了由SAGE III或POAM III获得的臭氧和气溶胶消光的相对垂直剖面得出的气团因子。

我们还比较了AATS-14臭氧在三个DC-8飞行中获得的测量结果,其中包括水平横断面和总臭氧测图仪(TOMS)和全球臭氧监测实验(GOME)卫星获得的总柱臭氧数据传感器。为了进行这些比较,可以通过假设气候模型或通过将SAGE和/或POAM数据与NASA兰利研究中心化学发光臭氧传感器FASTOZ采集的高分辨率原位臭氧测量值结合起来,估算飞机下方栏中的臭氧量。每次飞行开始或结束时的飞机垂直剖面。对于两次飞行中获得的ATS数据,最终的总柱臭氧值与相应的TOMS和GOME测量值一致,在10-15 DU之内(约3%)-1月21日从瑞典到格陵兰的纵向横断面,以及从47°N到35°的纬度横断面N在2月6日。对于2002年12月19日至20日在北纬34°和北纬22°之间的DC-8纬向横断面,AATS-14臭氧的反演结果加上飞机下方的臭氧估计值得出的纬度梯度与TOMS和GOME观测到的相似,但是在一定的纬度下,AATS的结果值超过相应的卫星值最多30 DU。这些差异无法解释,但它们归因于与亚热带急流附近的动力学相关联但未被卫星传感器解决的时空变化。

对于某些情况,我们还比较了ATS -14个臭氧的取值是由其他两种基于DC-8的太阳掩星仪器同时进行的测量得出的:美国国家大气研究直射辐照度航空光谱仪(DIAS)和NASA兰利研究中心的气体和气溶胶监测系统(GAMS)。 AATS和DIAS检索的均方根差在1月21日和12月19日的飞行中AATS值的1%之内,在2月6日时是2.3%;在1月21日的飞行中,相应的ATS-GAMS RMS差约为1.5%;没有比较2月6日航班的GAMS数据,也没有12月19日至20日航班的GAMS数据。在1月24日的SAGE III太阳掩星事件期间,由三台DC-8太阳掩星仪器同时进行的测量获得的视线臭氧探测结果,AATS-DIAS的均方根RMS差为2.1%,AATS-GAMS的均方根差为0.5%。


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