首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Cloud condensation nuclei in polluted air and biomass burning smoke near the mega-city Guangzhou, China – Part 2: Size-resolved aerosol chemical composition, diurnal cycles, and externally mixed weakly CCN-active soot particles

Cloud condensation nuclei in polluted air and biomass burning smoke near the mega-city Guangzhou, China – Part 2: Size-resolved aerosol chemical composition, diurnal cycles, and externally mixed weakly CCN-active soot particles




Size-resolved chemical composition, mixing state, and cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) activity of aerosolparticles in polluted mega-city air and biomass burning smoke were measuredduring the PRIDE-PRD2006 campaign near Guangzhou, China, using an aerosolmass spectrometer (AMS), a volatility tandem differential mobility analyzer(VTDMA), and a continuous-flow CCN counter (DMT-CCNC).The size-dependence and temporal variations of the effective averagehygroscopicity parameter for CCN-active particles (κa) could beparameterized as a function of organic and inorganic mass fractions (forg, finorg)determined by the AMS: κa,porg·forginorg·finorg. The characteristic κ values oforganic and inorganic components were similar to those observed in othercontinental regions of the world: κorg≈0.1 andκinorg≈0.6. The campaign average κavalues increased with particle size from ~0.25 at ~50 nm to~0.4 at ~200 nm, while forg decreased with particle size.At ~50 nm, forg was on average 60% and increased to almost100% during a biomass burning event.The VTDMA results and complementary aerosol optical data suggest that thelarge fractions of CCN-inactive particles observed at low supersaturations(up to 60% at S≤0.27%) were externally mixed weakly CCN-active soot particles with lowvolatility (diameter reduction <5% at 300 °C) and effectivehygroscopicity parameters around κLV≈0.01. A proxy forthe effective average hygroscopicity of the total ensemble of CCN-active particlesincluding weakly CCN-active particles (κt) could be parameterized as a functionof κa,p and the number fraction of low volatility particlesdetermined by VTDMA (φLV): κt,pa,p−φLV·(κa,p−κLV).Based on κ values derived from AMS and VTDMA data, the observed CCNnumber concentrations (NCCN,S≈102–104 cm?3 atS = 0.068–0.47%) could be efficiently predicted from the measured particlenumber size distribution. The mean relative deviations between observed andpredicted CCN concentrations were ~10% when using κt,p,and they increased to ~20% when using only κa,p. The meanrelative deviations were not higher (~20%) when using an approximatecontinental average value of κ≈0.3, although the constantκ value cannot account for the observed temporal variations inparticle composition and mixing state (diurnal cycles and biomass burningevents).Overall, the results confirm that on a global and climate modeling scalean average value of κ≈0.3 can be usedfor approximate predictions of CCN number concentrations in continentalboundary layer air when aerosol size distribution data are available withoutinformation about chemical composition. Bulk or size-resolved data on aerosolchemical composition enable improved CCN predictions resolving regional and temporalvariations, but the composition data need to be highly accurate andcomplemented by information about particle mixing state to achieve highprecision (relative deviations <20%).
机译:在中国广州附近的PRIDE-PRD2006活动期间,使用气溶胶质谱仪(AMS)测量了污染的大城市空气和燃烧生物质的烟雾中气溶胶颗粒的尺寸分辨化学组成,混合状态和气溶胶颗粒的云凝结核(CCN)活性。挥发性串联差动迁移率分析仪(VTDMA)和连续流动CCN计数器(DMT-CCNC)。 CCN活性颗粒有效平均吸湿性参数的大小依赖性和时间变化(κ a )可以根据有机和无机质量分数( f org , f inorg )由AMS确定:κ a,p org · f org inorg · f inorg 。有机和无机成分的特征κ值与世界其​​他大陆地区观察到的相似:κ org ≈0.1和κ inorg ≈0.6。随着颗粒大小的增加,运动平均κ a 值从〜50 nm的〜0.25增加到〜200 nm的〜0.4,而 f org 减小在〜50 nm处, f org 平均为60%,并在生物质燃烧过程中增加到几乎100%。 VTDMA结果和补充的气溶胶光学数据表明,在低过饱和度( S ≤0.27%时高达60%)观察到的大部分CCN惰性颗粒是外部混合的,挥发性低(直径减小)的弱CCN活性烟灰颗粒在300°C下<5%)和有效吸湿性参数在κ LV ≈0.01附近。可以将包括弱CCN活性颗粒(κ t )在内的CCN活性颗粒的总集合的有效平均吸湿性的代理参数设定为κ a,p 和VTDMA(φ LV )确定的低挥发性粒子的分数分数:κ t,p a,p LV < / sub>·(κ a,p LV )。 基于从AMS和VTDMA数据得出的κ值,观察到的CCN数浓度( N CCN,S ≈10 2 –10 4 cm ?3 at < i> S = 0.068–0.47%)可以从测得的颗粒数大小分布中有效预测。使用κ t,p 时,观察到的和预测的CCN浓度之间的平均相对偏差为〜10%,而仅使用κ a,p 时,则增加到〜20%。当使用大约≈≈0.3的近似大陆平均值时,平均相对偏差不会更高(〜20%),尽管恒定κ值不能解释观察到的颗粒组成和混合状态(昼夜循环和生物质燃烧事件)的时间变化。 <总体而言,这些结果证实,在可获得气溶胶尺寸分布数据而无关于化学成分的信息的情况下,在全球气候模型规模上,κ≈0.3的平均值可用于大陆边界层空气中CCN数浓度的近似预测。气溶胶化学成分的大体积或尺寸分辨数据可以改善CCN预测,以解决区域和时间变化,但成分数据需要高度准确并由有关颗粒混合状态的信息补充才能达到高精度(相对偏差<20%)。



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