首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Significant variations of trace gas composition and aerosol properties at Mt. Cimone during air mass transport from North Africa – contributions from wildfire emissions and mineral dust

Significant variations of trace gas composition and aerosol properties at Mt. Cimone during air mass transport from North Africa – contributions from wildfire emissions and mineral dust




High levels of trace gas (O3 and CO) and aerosol (BC, fine and coarseparticle volumes), as well as high scattering coefficient(σp) values, were recorded at the regional GAW-WMO station ofMt. Cimone (CMN, 2165 m a.s.l., Italy) during the period 26–30 August2007. Analysis of air-mass circulation, aerosol chemical characterizationand trace gas and aerosol enhancement ratios (ERs), showed that high O3and aerosol levels were likely linked to (i) the transport of anthropogenicpollution from northern Italy, and (ii) the advection of air masses rich inmineral dust and biomass burning (BB) products from North Africa. Inparticular, during the advection of air masses from North Africa, the CO andaerosol levels (CO: 175 ppbv, BC: 1015 ng/m3, fine particle volume:3.00 μm3 cm−3, σp: 84.5 Mm−1) were evenhigher than during the pollution event (CO: 138 ppbv, BC: 733 ng/m3,fine particles volume: 1.58 μm3 cm−3, σp: 44.9 Mm3 concentration, the analysis of ERs showed that theBB event represented an efficient source of fine aerosol particles (e.g.BC), but also of the O3 recorded at CMN. In particular, the calculatedO3/CO ERs (0.10–0.17 ppbv/ppbv) were in the range of values found inliterature for relatively aged (2–4 days) BB plumes and suggestedsignificant photochemical O3 production during the air-mass transport.For fine particles and σp, the calculated ERs was higher in theBB plumes than during the anthropogenic pollution events, stressing theimportance of the identified BB event as a source of atmospheric aerosolable to affect the atmospheric radiation budget. These results suggest thatepisodes of mineral dust mobilization and wildfire emissions over NorthAfrica could significantly influence radiative properties (as deduced fromσp observations at CMN) and air quality over the Mediterraneanbasin and northern Italy.
机译:记录到高水平的痕量气体(O 3 和CO)和气溶胶(BC,细颗粒和粗颗粒体积)以及高散射系数(σ p )值在山的GAW-WMO区域站。西蒙(2007年8月26日至30日,意大利,CMN,2165 m.s.l.)。对空气质量循环,气溶胶化学特征以及痕量气体和气溶胶增强比(ERs)的分析表明,高O 3 和气溶胶水平可能与(i)来自意大利北部的人为污染的迁移有关, (ii)对流来自北非的富含矿物质粉尘和生物质燃烧(BB)产品的空气团。特别是在北非气团平流期间,CO和气溶胶水平(CO:175 ppbv,BC:1015 ng / m 3 ,细颗粒体积:3.00μm 3 cm −3 ,σ p :84.5 Mm −1 )甚至比污染事件期间高(CO:138 ppbv,BC:733) ng / m 3 ,细颗粒体积:1.58μm 3 cm −3 ,σ p :44.9 Mm < sup-)。此外,尽管存在能够显着影响O 3 浓度的矿物粉尘,但对ERs的分析表明,BB事件代表了细小气溶胶颗粒(egBC)的有效来源,也代表了O 3 的有效来源。在CMN中记录的sub> 3 。特别是,计算出的O 3 / CO ER(0.10–0.17 ppbv / ppbv)处于相对老龄(2-4天)BB羽的文盲值范围内,并建议使用显着的光化学O 在空气质量传输过程中产生3 。对于细颗粒和σ p ,在BB羽中计算出的ERs高于人为污染事件中的ERs,强调了已识别BB事件的重要性为可影响大气辐射预算的气溶胶来源。这些结果表明,北非上空的矿物尘埃动员和野火排放的集散会显着影响地中海盆地和意大利北部的辐射特性(从CMN的σ p 观测值推导)。


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