首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >An overview of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer during the West African monsoon season: results from the 2016 observational campaign

An overview of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer during the West African monsoon season: results from the 2016 observational campaign




A ground-based field campaign was conducted in southern West Africa from mid-June to the end of July 2016 within the framework of the Dynamics–Aerosol–Chemistry–Cloud Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) project. It aimed to provide a high-quality comprehensive data set for process studies, in particular of interactions between low-level clouds (LLCs) and boundary-layer conditions. In this region missing observations are still a major issue. During the campaign, extensive remote sensing and in situ measurements were conducted at three supersites: Kumasi (Ghana), Savè (Benin) and Ile-Ife (Nigeria). Daily radiosoundings were performed at 06:00?UTC, and 15 intensive observation periods (IOPs) were performed during which additional radiosondes were launched, and remotely piloted aerial systems were operated. Extended stratiform LLCs form frequently in southern West Africa during the nighttime and persist long into the following day. They affect the radiation budget and hence the evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer and regional climate. The relevant parameters and processes governing the formation and dissolution of the LLCs are still not fully understood. This paper gives an overview of the diurnal cycles of the energy-balance components, near-surface temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction as well as of the conditions (LLCs, low-level jet) in the boundary layer at the supersites and relates them to synoptic-scale conditions (monsoon layer, harmattan layer, African easterly jet, tropospheric stratification) in the DACCIWA operational area. The characteristics of LLCs vary considerably from day to day, including a few almost cloud-free nights. During cloudy nights we found large differences in the LLCs' formation and dissolution times as well as in the cloud-base height. The differences exist at individual sites and also between the sites. The synoptic conditions are characterized by a monsoon layer with south-westerly winds, on average about 1.9?km deep, and easterly winds above; the depth and strength of the monsoon flow show great day-to-day variability. Within the monsoon layer, a nocturnal low-level jet forms in approximately the same layer as the LLC. Its strength and duration is highly variable from night to night. This unique data set will allow us to test some new hypotheses about the processes involved in the development of LLCs and their interaction with the boundary layer and can also be used for model evaluation.
机译:2016年6月中旬至2016年7月底,在西非动力学,气溶胶,化学,云相互作用项目(DACCIWA)的框架内,在西非南部进行了地面野战。它旨在为过程研究,尤其是低层云(LLC)与边界层条件之间的相互作用提供高质量的综合数据集。在该地区,遗漏的观察仍然是一个主要问题。在竞选期间,在三个超级地点进行了广泛的遥感和现场测量:库马西(加纳),萨维(贝宁)和伊莱费(尼日利亚)。每天在世界标准时间06:00进行无线电探空,并进行了15次密集观察期(IOP),在此期间发射了额外的探空仪,并操作了遥控飞机系统。扩展的层状有限责任公司在夜间经常在西非南部形成,并持续到第二天。它们影响辐射预算,进而影响大气边界层和区域气候的演变。仍然没有完全了解控制LLC形成和溶解的相关参数和过程。本文概述了能量平衡成分的日循环,近地表温度,湿度,风速和风向以及超站边界层中的条件(LLC,低空急流)。它们处于DACCIWA作业区的天气尺度条件下(季风层,harmattan层,非洲东风急流,对流层分层)。 LLC的特性每天都有很大差异,包括几个几乎没有云的夜晚。在阴天的夜晚,我们发现LLCs的形成和溶解时间以及云底高度存在很大差异。差异存在于各个站点以及站点之间。天气条件的特征是季风层有西南风,平均深约1.9?km,东风高。季风流的深度和强度显示出很大的日常变化性。在季风层内,夜间低空急流在与LLC大致相同的层中形成。从晚上到晚上,它的强度和持续时间变化很大。这个独特的数据集将使我们能够测试有关LLC发展及其与边界层交互作用的过程的一些新假设,也可以用于模型评估。


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