首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Comparison of the diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation for East Asia vs. North America downstream of the Tibetan Plateau vs. the Rocky Mountains

Comparison of the diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation for East Asia vs. North America downstream of the Tibetan Plateau vs. the Rocky Mountains




A wave-number-frequency spectral decomposition technique is used to analyzethe high-resolution NOAA/Climate Prediction Center morphing technique(CMORPH) precipitation data set and to explore the differences andsimilarities of the diurnal variation of warm-season precipitation in theEast Asia and North America downstream of big topography. The predominantphase speed of precipitation at different time scales for North America,averaged over all warm-season months (May–August) for 2003–2010, is~20 ms?1, which is faster than the speed of~14 ms?1 calculated for East Asia. Consistent with therecent studies of the precipitation diurnal cycles for these two regions,the difference in the diurnal phase propagation is likely due to thedifference in the mean steering level wind speed for these two regions. Thewave-number-frequency spectral analysis further reveals the complex,multi-scale, multi-modal nature of the warm-season precipitation variationembedded within the diurnal cycle over both continents, with phase speedsvarying from 10 to 30 ms?1 and wave periods varying from diurnal to afew hours. At the diurnal frequency regulated by the thermodynamicallydriven mountains–plains solenoids (MPSs), increased precipitation for bothcontinents first originates in the afternoon from the eastern edge of bigtopography and subsequently moves downslope in the evening and reaches thebroad plains area at night. More complex diurnal evolutions are observed inEast Asia due to the more complex, multistep terrains east of the TibetanPlateau and the associated localized MPS circulations. Nevertheless,increased variation of precipitation at smaller spatial and temporal scalesis evident in the active phase of the dominant diurnal cycle for bothcontinents.
机译:利用波数-频率频谱分解技术分析高分辨率NOAA /气候预测中心变形技术(CMORPH)降水数据集,并探讨东亚和北美暖季降水日变化的差异和相似性。大地形的下游。在2003-2010年的整个暖季月份(5月至8月)中,北美不同时间尺度的降水主要阶段速度为〜20 ms ?1 ,比速度快为东亚计算的大约14 ms ?1 。与最近对这两个区域的降水日循环的研究相一致,这两个区域的日均相位传播差异可能是由于这两个区域的平均转向水平风速的差异所致。波数-频谱分析进一步揭示了两大洲昼夜周期内暖季降水变化的复杂,多尺度,多模态性质,相速度在10〜30 ms ?1 和波浪周期从昼夜到几个小时不等。在由热力学驱动的山区平原螺线管(MPS)调节的昼夜频率下,两个大陆的降水增加首先起源于下午,从大地形的东部边缘开始,然后在晚上移至下坡并在晚上到达宽阔的平原地区。由于青藏高原以东更复杂,多步的地形以及相关的局部MPS环流,在东亚观测到更复杂的昼夜演变。然而,在两个大陆的主要昼夜周期的活跃期,降水量在较小的时空尺度上增加了。



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