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Effects of a Community Outreach Program for Maternal Health and Family Planning in Tigray, Ethiopia




Purpose We examined the effects of a community outreach program for maternal health in Tigray, Ethiopia, on women’s knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, and family planning, and assessed their participation in antenatal care, postpartum checkups, institutional childbirth, and contraceptive use. Methods We recruited Ethiopian women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) in Tigray, Ethiopia. Two villages in Tigray, Kihen and Mesanu , which have similar population sizes and living environments, were chosen as the intervention and comparison groups, respectively. A two-group pretest-posttest design with cluster sampling was employed. We conducted self-report questionnaire surveys using face-to-face interviews. The 2.5-year community outreach program was developed based on Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory. It consisted of mass media use and health education for lay women in the community, along with training of health care providers, including nurses, midwives, and health extension workers, in maternal health care. Results The intervention group showed significant increases in knowledge and behaviors regarding maternal health and family planning compared to the comparison group ( p ?
机译:目的我们检查了埃塞俄比亚提格里市的社区孕产妇保健外联计划对妇女对怀孕,分娩,产后保健和计划生育的了解,并评估了她们参与产前保健,产后检查,机构分娩和使用避孕药具的情况。 。方法我们招募了埃塞俄比亚提格雷的育龄妇女(15至49岁)。提格雷(Tigray)的两个村庄,基恩(Kihen)和梅萨努(Mesanu)的人口规模和生活环境相近,分别被选为干预组和比较组。采用两组抽样的前测后测设计。我们使用面对面访谈进行了自我报告问卷调查。这个为期2.5年的社区拓展计划是根据罗杰斯(Rogers)对创新理论的传播而制定的。它包括大众媒体的使用和对社区外行妇女的健康教育,以及对保健提供者的培训,包括护士,助产士和保健推广人员的孕产妇保健。结果与对照组相比,干预组显示出有关孕产妇保健和计划生育的知识和行为显着增加(p <0.001)。特别是,干预组的机构出生率从10.8%急剧增加到93.5%。结论社区宣传计划和医疗保健专业培训有效地提高了埃塞俄比亚妇女孕产妇保健方面的知识和行为。大众媒体和人际传播渠道进行健康教育可能是发展中国家的有益健康干预措施。



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