首页> 外文期刊>Arctic: Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America >Effects of Climate-Induced Changes in Parasitism, Predation and Predator-Predator Interactions on Reproduction and Survival of an Arctic Marine Bird

Effects of Climate-Induced Changes in Parasitism, Predation and Predator-Predator Interactions on Reproduction and Survival of an Arctic Marine Bird




A detailed understanding of the processes and interactions within biological communities is needed to describe and predict the biological consequences of climate change. Global warming may affect biological communities at specific sites through changes in the species composition that follow changes in range, or through altered food web interactions caused by changes in phenology or behaviour. We describe the demographic consequences for a colonial nesting seabird, the Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia), of exceptionally intense mosquito parasitism and predation by polar bears in a particular year. Increases in mosquito parasitism and bear predation are changes in behaviour rather than changes in range, and both caused unusual adult mortality and reproductive failure in Thick-billed Murres. In the case of adult mortality, the effects of predation and parasitism were complementary, whereas in the case of reproductive failure, most birds affected by parasitism would in any case have subsequently lost their eggs to bear predation. The mosquito and bear activities had the secondary result of redirecting the attention of gulls and foxes, the usual predators of murre eggs, towards scavenging carcasses and preying on eggs exposed by birds deserting their ledges. This diversion reduced the impact of gulls and foxes on the murres and altered the spatial configuration of predation risk. Our observations emphasize the difficulty faced by ecologists in predicting the consequences of global warming even for simple and relatively well-studied ecosystems. Moreover, the net effect of combined parasitism and predation was much greater than reported previously, reducing overall colony productivity by 20% and increasing adult mortality by 20%. If this effect happens every year, it will have population consequences.
机译:需要详细了解生物群落内部的过程和相互作用,以描述和预测气候变化的生物后果。全球变暖可能通过范围变化后物种组成的变化,或由于物候或行为变化而引起的食物网相互作用的变化,来影响特定地点的生物群落。我们描述了特定年份的殖民地筑巢海鸟厚嘴穆尔(Uria lomvia)的人口统计学后果,该寄生虫具有极强的蚊虫寄生性和捕食力。蚊虫寄生虫的增加和熊的捕食是行为的改变而不是范围的改变,两者都引起了成年人的死亡和厚嘴壁鼠的生殖衰竭。在成年死亡率的情况下,掠食和寄生虫的影响是相辅相成的,而在生殖衰竭的情况下,大多数受寄生虫感染的鸟类在任何情况下都将失去卵来进行捕食。蚊子和熊的活动的次要结果是使海鸥和狐狸(通常是虫卵的食肉动物)的注意力重新转向清除尸体,并捕食离开其壁架的鸟类暴露的卵。这种转移减少了海鸥和狐狸对泥潭的影响,并改变了捕食风险的空间结构。我们的观察结果强调了生态学家在预测全球变暖的后果时所面临的困难,即使是对于简单且经过相对深入研究的生态系统也是如此。而且,寄生和捕食相结合的净效应比以前报道的要大得多,使总体菌落生产力降低了20%,成年死亡率提高了20%。如果这种影响每年发生一次,将会给人口带来后果。



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