首页> 外文期刊>Arctic: Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America >Pelagic feeding ecology of dovekies, Alle alle, in Lancaster Sound and western Baffin Bay

Pelagic feeding ecology of dovekies, Alle alle, in Lancaster Sound and western Baffin Bay

机译:兰开斯特峡湾和西部巴芬湾的鸽子,Alle alle的浮游饲养生态



Adult (AD), Subadult (SA), and hatching year (HY) dovekies were collected at sea in 1976, 1978, and 1979 (n=410) for food habits studies. In May and June, AD and SA dovekies ate mostly copepods (99.8% of dry weight in AD, 100% in SA); in August, amphipods became more important (59% in AD, 90% in SA). Adult males accompanied chicks to sea where both groups fed largely on Parathemisto amphipods (99.7% in AD, 97% in chicks). Once abandoned by the adults, HY dovekies ate Parathemisto (59.8% of dry weight), Apherusa glacialis (13.6%), and Onisimus glacialis (5.6%) amphipods; arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) (14.5%); calenoid copepods (5.5%); and other items (1%). Seasonal changes in diet were, in part, related to a presumed seasonal increase of suitable amphipods in surface waters. HY dovekie diets varied geographically and with year. Some food taxa were larger in dovekies collected in waters associated with an intrusive current flowing into and out of the mouth of Lancaster Sound than in those collected in offshore Baffin Bay. In 1978, Parathemisto and Apherusa glacialis were smaller than in 1979 or 1976: HY dovekies apparently compensated by taking more copepods. HY dovekies were smaller on a given date in 1978 but ate similar total amounts of food and grew at similar rates in all three years. The small size of amphipods in 1978 was probably due to unusually late breakup of ice and its probable inhibitory effects on primary and secondary production. In 1978, many non-breeding (AD and SA) dovekies molted in pack ice that persisted until mid-August. In 1979, when pack ice dispersed early, no non-breeding dovekies were collected in August.
机译:1976年,1978年和1979年(n = 410)在海中收集了成年(AD),亚成年(SA)和孵化年(HY)鸽子用于饮食习惯研究。在5月和6月,AD和SA鸽子主要吃co足类动物(AD干重的99.8%,SA干重的100%)。 8月,两栖动物变得更为重要(公元59%,南非90%)。成年雄性伴随着小鸡出海,两组都主要以副寄生双足纲为食(公元99.7%,小鸡97%)。一旦被成年人抛弃,HY鸽会吃掉Parathemisto(占干重的59.8%),Apherusa glacialis(占13.6%)和Onisimus glacialis(占5.6%)的两足纲动物。北极鳕(Boreogadus saida)(14.5%);卡伦类co足类(5.5%);和其他项目(1%)。饮食的季节性变化部分与地表水中适宜的两栖动物的季节性增加有关。 HY dovekie的饮食在地理位置和年份上各不相同。与侵入式水流流入和流出兰开斯特峡口的水相关的鸽子中,某些食物分类比在沿海巴芬湾中收集的分类食物更大。在1978年,Parathemisto和Apherusa glacialis比1979或1976年要小:HY鸽子显然通过摄取更多的pe足类动物而得到补偿。在1978年的某个特定日期,HY鸽派规模较小,但三年的总进食量相似,且增长率均相似。 1978年,两栖类动物的体型较小,可能是由于异常延迟的冰分解及其对初级和次级生产的抑制作用所致。 1978年,许多非繁殖鸽(AD和SA)在冰块中蜕皮,一直持续到8月中旬。 1979年,当冰块散布得很早时,八月份没有收集到任何非繁殖鸽子。



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