首页> 外文期刊>Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research >Snow Fungi—Induced Mortality of Pinus cembra at the Alpine Treeline: Evidence from Plantations

Snow Fungi—Induced Mortality of Pinus cembra at the Alpine Treeline: Evidence from Plantations




Identifying the factors controlling tree mortality is key to understanding the effects of ongoing global change on treeline movement and species composition. One potentially significant but little studied factor that impacts the formation of treelines is mortality caused by snow fungi. We studied the mortality patterns of Pinus cembra , a typical treeline species of the Central Alps of Switzerland, in two plantations located on opposite slopes of the Dischma valley (Northeast [NE] and Southwest [SW]) above the current treeline. In 1975, 33,000 P. cembra trees were planted at the NE site and 550 trees at the smaller SW site. All trees have been periodically monitored for survival since then. After 30 years, only ca. 5% of all P. cembra trees survived in both plantations. Two species of pathogenic snow fungus, Gremmeniella abietina and Phacidium. infestans , were major mortality agents for saplings. High rates of infection by Gremmeniella corresponded to late snowmelt and high ratios of rainfall to temperature. High rates of infection by Phacidium corresponded to earlier snowmelt and were spatially associated with P. cembra mature trees that had been present in the area before the time of planting. We provide experimental evidence that snow fungi are a primary cause of sapling tree mortality at treeline. Although additional evidence from different geographic regions and more natural treeline distributions is needed, our results suggest that the prevalence of snow fungi may prevent establishment of trees above the current treeline at present, and under future climate scenarios.
机译:确定控制树木死亡率的因素是了解正在进行的全球变化对树木运动和物种组成的影响的关键。影响林木形成的一个潜在的重要但很少研究的因素是雪真菌引起的死亡率。我们在位于当前树线以上Dischma谷对面的两个种植园(东北[NE]和西南[SW])的两个人工林中研究了瑞士中部阿尔卑斯山的典型树线树-Pinus cembra的死亡率模式。 1975年,有33,000个在东北地区种植了刺柏树,在较小的西南地区种植了550棵树。从那时起,所有树木均被定期监测其存活情况。 30年后,只有所有 P的5%。两种人工林中都存有刺柏树。两种病原性雪耳真菌, Gremmeniella abietina和 Phacidium。感染是幼树的主要致死因子。沙门氏菌的高感染率对应于融雪较晚和降雨与温度的高比率。腐植酸的高感染率对应于较早的融雪,并且在空间上与磷相关。种植之前在该地区已存在的cembra成熟树。我们提供的实验证据表明,雪真菌是树线幼树死亡率的主要原因。尽管需要来自不同地理区域和更自然的树线分布的其他证据,但我们的结果表明,雪真菌的流行可能会阻止当前和未来气候情景下当前树线以上的树木生长。



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