首页> 外文期刊>Art and Design Review >Two Opposed Models of Approaching the Relationship between Art and Society and the Proposal of “Social-Aesthetic Constructs” as a Possibility of Mediation

Two Opposed Models of Approaching the Relationship between Art and Society and the Proposal of “Social-Aesthetic Constructs” as a Possibility of Mediation




The objective of this article is to investigate two opposed models of approaching the relationship between art and society. The first one—that of Jacques Rancière—stresses the idea of aesthetic autonomy as a result of a historical process that began with Kant’s style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;">Critique of Judgement style="font-family:Verdana;">, reaching its most developed form in contemporaneity, and the second model, represented here by Richard Shusterman (inspired by John Dewey pragmatist aesthetics), focuses on the deep roots that artistic phenomena have in society and culminates with his analysis of the hip hop culture. Taking into account as well their respectively fruitfulness as some of their limitations and inspired by Theodor style="font-family:"font-size:10pt;background-color:#00FF00;"> style="font-family:Verdana;">Adorno, I propose the concept of “social-aesthetic construct”, which is meant to be a mediation between the aforementioned opposed models.
机译:本文的目的是研究两种相反的处理艺术与社会之间关系的模型。第一个是雅克·兰契(JacquesRancière)的思想,它强调了以康德 style =“ font-family:Verdana; font-size:12px;”>对判决的批评 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>达到了同时代最发达的形式,第二种模型是由Richard Shusterman(受约翰·杜威实用主义美学启发)在这里代表的模型,着眼于艺术现象在社会中的深层根源,并在对嘻哈文化的分析中达到高潮。它们的某些局限性并受到西奥多(Theodor)的启发 style =“ font-family:” font-size:10pt; background-color:#00FF00;“> style =” font-family: Verdana;“> Adorno,我提出了“社会审美建构”的概念,其目的是在上述对立的模型之间进行调解。



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