首页> 外文期刊>Archives of mining sciences >Changes in Cross-Sectional Area of Gateroads in Longwalls with Roof Caving, Ventilated with “U” and “Y” Systems

Changes in Cross-Sectional Area of Gateroads in Longwalls with Roof Caving, Ventilated with “U” and “Y” Systems

机译:“ U”和“ Y”系统通风的长壁屋面巷道截面积的变化



Content: In the paper results of measurements of underground gateroad deformations are presented. The measurements were conducted in seven collieries in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Altogether 28 gateroads were analysed:12 longwalls with ?Y“ and 4 longwalls with ?U“ ventilation system. Based on results of measurements, changes in cross-sectional area of gateroads were calculated and then referred to their original dimensions (when they were developed). Values of cross-sectional area of gateroads in front of and behind the longwall face are presented. Differences in deformation of gateroads in longwalls with the “U” ventilation system, surrounded by unmined coal, and/or goaf on one side were determined. Changes in cross-sectional area of reused gateroads, and newly driven ones (with a coal pillar separating the goaf from the working), were estimated. For gateroads of the longwalls with “Y” ventilation system their deformations at a distance of 200 metres behind the longwall face was determined. For selected gateroads their convergence was calculated with numerical modeling and a method developed at GIG. Calculations were made with Phase2 software based on the finite element method (FEM). Accuracy of forecasted gateroad deformations were assessed through comparing them with the results of underground measurements.
机译:内容:本文介绍了地下闸道变形的测量结果。测量是在上西里西亚煤盆地的七个煤矿进行的。共分析了28条闸道:12根带有“ Y”型长壁和4根带有“ U”型通风系统的长壁。根据测量结果,计算出闸口横截面积的变化,然后参考其原始尺寸(开发时)。给出了长壁面前后的闸道截面积的值。确定了采用“ U”型通风系统,被未开采煤和/或一侧采空区包围的长壁巷道变形的差异。估计了再利用的闸道和新开的闸道(用煤柱将采空区与工作区分开)的截面积的变化。对于带有“ Y”型通风系统的长壁闸门,确定了其在长壁面后200米处的变形。对于选定的闸口,其收敛性是通过数值模型和GIG开发的方法来计算的。使用Phase2软件基于有限元方法(FEM)进行计算。通过将预测的闸道变形与地下测量结果进行比较来评估其准确性。



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