首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Polish Fisheries >The history of huchen, Hucho hucho (L.), in Poland – distribution, restoration and conservation

The history of huchen, Hucho hucho (L.), in Poland – distribution, restoration and conservation

机译:波兰Hucho hucho(L.)的Huchen的历史-分布,恢复和保护



The huchen, Hucho hucho (L.), became extinct in its autochthonous locations in the upper parts of the Czarna Orawa and Czadeczka systems in the early 1950s as a result of increased anthropogenic stress. It began to be introduced into the Dunajec River system in 1966. The quantity of stocking material released into the Dunajec and its tributaries during the first ten years was small, ranging from 8 to 30 thousand fry per year. In subsequent years, the production of stocking material at the £opuszna Fish Farm increased gradually, and in recent years it has been from 0.6 to 0.99 million fry per year. The stocking material produced in 1955-2012 included approximately 15.2 million fry and 4.6 million fall fingerlings. Increased stocking material production made it possible to stock more rivers in the 1972-1995 period including the Nysa K3odzka, San, So3a, Skawa, Raba, Bobr, and Gwda. Of the nine rivers into which it was introduced, the huchen only adapted successfully in the Poprad, Dunajec, and San, where it now occurs along a total of approximately 400-450 km. Only these rivers are regularly stocked because of their favorable environmental conditions. In Poland huchen was saved (ex situ) through active protection by translocating it outside of its natural distribution range, artificial breeding, and the regular stocking of selected montane rivers. The restoration of huchen in the Czarna Orawa began in 2002, but success was moderate. To preserve this species in Polish waters, the spawning stock kept by the PAA at £opuszna should be financed regularly by the Ministry of Environment, and systematic monitoring, licensing, and limiting of the size of recreational catches should be introduced.
机译:1950年代初,由于人为压力的增加,胡琴胡丘胡丘湖(L.)消失在其Czarna Orawa和Czadeczka系统上部的地方。它于1966年开始引入杜纳耶茨河系统。在头十年中,释放到杜纳耶茨河及其支流的放养材料数量很少,每年为8到30 000枚鱼苗。在随后的几年中,奥普斯纳鱼场的放养材料的产量逐渐增加,近年来,每年的产量从0.6到99万鱼苗。 1955-2012年间生产的库存材料包括大约1520万鱼苗和460万秋天鱼种。放养材料生产的增加使得在1972-1995年期间放养更多的河流成为可能,包括Nysa K3odzka,San,So3a,Skawa,Raba,Bobr和Gwda。在引入的9条河流中,胡亨河仅在波普拉德,杜纳耶茨和圣胡安成功地适应了,现在沿这条河道的总长度约为400-450公里。由于这些河流的良好环境条件,因此仅定期放养这些河流。在波兰,胡琴通过将其转移到自然分布范围之外,进行人工育种以及定期对部分山地河流进行放养而得到积极保护,从而对其进行了保护(迁地)。沙纳奥拉瓦(Czarna Orawa)的雨琴修复工作于2002年开始,但成效不大。为了在波兰水域中保护该物种,PAA在£ opuszna饲养的产卵种群应由环境部定期供资,并应实行系统的监测,许可和限制休闲捕捞的规模。



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