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Fish Biological Control of The Israeli National Water Carrier And Dual-Purpose Reservoirs (Fish Culture/Crop Irrigation): The Israeli Concept




Fish Biological Control of The Israeli National Water Carrier And Dual-Purpose Reservoirs (Fish Culture/Crop Irrigation): The Israeli ConceptThe location of Israel in a semi-arid part of the globe and the seasonal rainfalls that are limited to short periods in wintertime (about 50 days of rain with ~650 mm average precipitation in the north of the country), are the main causes of chronic water shortage and frequent droughts. The Israeli Water Authority planned and constructed the National Water Carrier (NWC) to convey water from the sole Israeli source of fresh water, Lake Kinneret in the north, through the country to the Negev Desert (10 mm average precipitation) in the south. The water is transferred through a system that combines pipes (108 inch diameter), canals, tunnels, and reservoirs. Because the water is intended for human consumption, the reservoirs were stocked with a complex of fish for biological control. To support agricultural irrigation, regional local authorities and private fish farms have also constructed dual-purpose reservoirs in various parts of the country. These reservoirs store water for crop irrigation and also serve for fish culture. Some of them are used solely for irrigation, but in some reservoirs, fish are reared as a by-product. About 250 dual-purpose reservoirs of various capacity and surface areas (10-40 ha) have been constructed in Israel in the last two decades. The first fish species, tilapia, Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner), was stocked in reservoirs in the early 1960s, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., was stocked in reservoirs in the end of 1960s in an attempt to control phyto- and zooplankton. Although the results were positive, it soon became obvious that these species were prolific and had multiplied extensively, which resulted in overcrowded populations of stunted fishes and caused management difficulties. Consequently, a group of Chinese carp was introduced, namely: the phytoplanktophagic silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Val.), the macrophytophagic grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.), the zooplanktophagic bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson), and the malacophagic black carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus (Richardson). In addition to these four species, predatory (or "police") fish have been integrated into the fish complex; these include the marine European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), or the hybrid striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) and white bass, M. chrysops (Rafinesque), or red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (L.). Red drum is also considered to be a high quality consumer fish. These fish are capable of controlling efficiently the unwanted spawning of carp and tilapia. With these combinations of fishes, various species play specific roles by utilizing specialized feeding niches without competing with other species. Due to the variety of conditions in the reservoirs, the composition of fish species is modified according to individual characteristics of each reservoir (soil, area, depth, source of water, role of the fish, etc.). Adequate stocking of species into reservoirs may positively affect synergism among fish and may have a positive impact on fish growth. Stocking water reservoirs with fish species that cannot reproduce naturally in the water system is advantageous. However, in such cases, the entire process of reproduction, including the incubation of eggs, must be accomplished artificially indoors. Each species is induced to spawn with hormones, namely calibrated (carp) pituitary extract (cCPE) or a synthetic substitute of GnRH, s-GnRHa. Both products were developed in Israel and are presently distributed and available worldwide. The fertilized eggs are incubated to hatching and the young are nursed until they are stocked into the various reservoirs. Many countries prohibit the introduction of exotic fishes so as to protect local fish species from competition. An extensive study of chromosome-set manipulation has been carried out in order to
机译:以色列国家级水运工具和双重用途水库的鱼类生物控制(鱼类养殖/作物灌溉):以色列的概念以色列在全球半干旱地区的位置以及季节性降雨(冬季仅限于短期)(该国北部约有50天的降雨,平均降水量约为650毫米),是造成长期缺水和频繁干旱的主要原因。以色列水务局计划并建造了国家水运公司(NWC),以将来自以色列唯一的淡水源,北部的Kinneret湖的水输送通过该国,到达南部的内盖夫沙漠(平均降水量为10毫米)。水通过一个结合了管道(直径为108英寸),运河,隧道和水库的系统进行输送。由于水是供人食用的,因此在水库中放养了多种鱼类以进行生物防治。为了支持农业灌溉,地方地方当局和私人养鱼场还在该国各地建造了两用水库。这些水库储存水用于农作物灌溉,也用于鱼类养殖。其中一些仅用于灌溉,但在一些水库中,鱼类作为副产品养殖。在过去的二十年中,以色列已建造了约250个各种容量和表面积(10-40公顷)的两用水库。 1960年代初,第一种鱼类罗非鱼是金黄色鱼(Steindachner),在水库中放养,1960年代末,在水库中放养了鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.),目的是控制浮游植物和浮游动物。尽管结果是积极的,但很快这些物种就变得多产并大量繁殖,这显然导致特技鱼类种群过度拥挤,并造成管理困难。因此,引入了一组中国鲤鱼,即:浮游植物silver鱼,下眼m(Val。),巨噬草鱼,Ctenopharyngodon idella(河谷),吞噬big鱼,Nobilis(Richardson)和鱼。黑鲤鱼,Mylopharyngodon piceus(Richardson)。除了这四个物种外,掠食性(或“警察”)鱼已被纳入鱼群。这些包括欧洲海鲈,Dicentrarchus labrax(L.)或混合条纹鲈,Morone saxatilis(Walbaum)和白色鲈,ch.sops(Rafinesque)或红鼓Sciaenops ocellatus(L.)。红鼓也被认为是优质的食用鱼。这些鱼能够有效控制鲤鱼和罗非鱼的多余产卵。通过这些鱼类组合,各种物种通过利用专门的觅食生态位而发挥了特定作用,而不会与其他物种竞争。由于水库的条件多种多样,鱼类的组成会根据每个水库的个别特征(土壤,面积,深度,水源,鱼的作用等)进行修改。向水库中适当放养物种可能对鱼类之间的协同作用产生积极影响,并可能对鱼类生长产生积极影响。在水库中放养无法在水系统中自然繁殖的鱼类是有利的。但是,在这种情况下,整个繁殖过程,包括卵的孵化,必须在室内人工完成。每个物种都被诱导产生激素,即经过校准的(鲤鱼)垂体提取物(cCPE)或GnRH的合成替代物s-GnRHa。两种产品都是在以色列开发的,目前已在世界范围内分发和销售。将受精卵孵化到孵化场,并对其进行育苗,直到将它们放养到各个水库中。许多国家禁止引进外来鱼类,以保护当地鱼类免受竞争。为了进行染色体组操作的广泛研究,



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