首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Polish Fisheries >Selected coelomic fluid parameters of sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L.: effects of light color and photoperiod

Selected coelomic fluid parameters of sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L.: effects of light color and photoperiod




Light and color have effect physiological aspects of fish such as growth, the neuro-hormonal system, and reproduction. In the present study, the effects of light color and photoperiod on the levels of selected parameters of coelomic fluid (glucose, total protein, cholesterol, calcium, magnesium) of female sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) were investigated. Thirty-six broodstock were kept in 12 experimental tanks (500 l) for six months. The fish were reared under four different light regimes (two photoperiods of 18L:6D and 6L:18D and two colors - red and blue) at an intensity of 150 Lx (three replicates). Fish reared under the red-long photoperiod had the highest concentration of the selected parameters of the coelomic fluid. Moreover, significant differences were noted in the all the parameters in fish reared under the red-long photoperiod in comparison with fish from the other treatments (P 0.05). The results indicate that light (color and photoperiod) influences egg quality during the final stage of A. ruthenus reproduction.
机译:光线和颜色影响鱼类的生理方面,例如生长,神经激素系统和繁殖。在本研究中,研究了浅色和光周期对雌性小let(Acipenser ruthenus)的体液(葡萄糖,总蛋白,胆固醇,钙,镁)所选参数水平的影响。将36只亲鱼放在12个实验罐(500升)中六个月。将鱼在四种不同的光照条件下(两种光周期分别为18L:6D和6L:18D,以及两种颜色-红色和蓝色)以150 Lx的强度饲养(三个重复)。在红色长光周期下饲养的鱼的结肠液的所选参数浓度最高。此外,与其他处理的鱼相比,在红长光周期下饲养的鱼的所有参数均存在显着差异(P <0.05)。结果表明,光(颜色和光周期)会在红叶芦苇繁殖的最后阶段影响卵的质量。



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