首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Biology >Fecundity and development of the bentho-pelagic copepod Pseudocyclops umbraticus: effects of temperature

Fecundity and development of the bentho-pelagic copepod Pseudocyclops umbraticus: effects of temperature

机译:底栖-上层co足类Pseudocyclops umbraticus的繁殖和发育:温度的影响



ABSTRACT: The shallow-living, bentho-pelagic copepod species Pseudocyclops umbraticus was collected seasonally during nighttime in the brackish waters of Lake Faro (north-eastern Sicily). It showed marked seasonal fluctuations in population abundance, with maximum numbers occurring in summer. In the laboratory, mean daily egg production rates (EPR) of P. umbraticus were positively correlated with temperature, with values ranging from (mean ± SD) 2.3 ± 6.3 eggs female-1 d-1 at 14°C to 6.1 ± 10.2 eggs female-1 d-1 at 24°C. In terms of total egg production over the entire female lifespan, maximum values occurred at 14°C and minimum at 24°C. At 12 and 32°C, females were able to survive, but they stopped egg production. Temperature also dramatically affected female copepod lifespan, which was shorter at higher temperatures. Development time for the eggs decreased with increasing temperature, as did development time from egg to adulthood. Recruitment rate was low at lower temperatures. The distinctive egg-laying behaviour of P. umbraticus is described here for the first time. The EPR in P. umbraticus is relatively low compared to other pelagic copepods, but within the ranges reported for egg-carrying species. Greater fecundity at higher temperatures compared to other subtemperate species indicates that P. umbraticus is well adapted to the higher temperatures of coastal brackish basins, where it contributes to the biodiversity of the plankton community at night as it migrates from the substratum into the water column.
机译:摘要:夜间在淡水湖法鲁湖(西西里岛东北部)咸淡的时候,生活在浅水层,底栖-浮游的pe足类物种假环藻上。它显示了人口数量的明显季节性波动,最大数量出现在夏季。在实验室中,平均日产卵率(EPR)为P。 umbraticus 与温度呈正相关,在14°C至6.1范围内,雌性 -1 d -1 的值(平均值±SD)为2.3±6.3。在24°C下有±10.2卵雌性 -1 d -1 就整个女性寿命中的总产蛋量而言,最大值出现在14°C,最小出现在24°C。在12和32°C时,雌性能够生存,但它们停止了产卵。温度也显着影响雌性co足类动物的寿命,高温时雌性co足类动物的寿命较短。随着温度的升高,卵的发育时间减少,从卵到成年的发育时间也减少。在较低的温度下,招聘率较低。 P的独特产卵行为。这里第一次描述了伞。 P中的EPR。与其他中上层的compared足类相比,umbraticus 相对较低,但在报道的携带卵类的范围内。与其他亚温带物种相比,在较高温度下的更大繁殖力表明P。 umbraticus 很好地适应了沿海微咸盆地的高温,在夜间,它从基底层迁移到水柱中,有助于浮游生物群落的生物多样性。



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