首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Biology >Nutrient dynamics and constraints on the pre-laying exodus of High Arctic northern fulmars

Nutrient dynamics and constraints on the pre-laying exodus of High Arctic northern fulmars




ABSTRACT: Many aspects of the reproductive ecology of seabirds are linked to the phenology, quantity and accessibility of marine food supplies. In polar regions, annual sea ice constrains these aspects of marine productivity, and thus seabirds breeding at high latitudes may exhibit adaptations to accommodate these constraints. Like most petrels, northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis undertake an exodus from their breeding colony just before egg-laying. To assess whether this exodus was related to energetic needs and stored nutrient reserves, we studied changes in body mass and composition of male and female fulmars breeding in the Canadian High Arctic, by comparing birds collected just before and just after the pre-laying exodus. Males gained body mass over this period, accumulating water, fat and protein, whereas females lost body mass, particularly protein and fat. Declines in female fat and protein approximated the amounts contributed to eggs, but water and mineral reserves in pre-exodus females appeared insufficient for egg production. We hypothesize that female fulmars leave the colony before egg-laying to meet mineral demands for egg production, possibly focusing on calcium-rich prey. In contrast, we hypothesize that males use a different strategy for resource acquisition and allocation, which seeks to maximize fat and protein accumulation to meet forthcoming incubation demands. Differences in typical marine environmental conditions at breeding colonies across the species’ range probably account for observed behavioral variation in breeding schedules, and may also result in different nutrient dynamics.
机译:摘要:海鸟生殖生态学的许多方面都与海洋食物供应的物候,数量和可及性有关。在极地地区,一年一度的海冰限制了海洋生产力的这些方面,因此在高纬度地区繁殖的海鸟可能表现出适应这些限制的适应性。像大多数海燕一样,北黄ful Fulmarus glacialis 在产卵前就从其繁殖群体中迁出。为了评估这种出埃及是否与能量需求和储存的养分储备有关,我们通过比较在出埃及前和出埃及前采集的鸟类,研究了加拿大高北极地区繁殖的雄性和雌性的体重和组成的变化。男性在此期间增加了体重,积累了水,脂肪和蛋白质,而女性则失去了体重,尤其是蛋白质和脂肪。雌性脂肪和蛋白质的下降接近促成卵的数量,但出埃及前雌性中的水分和矿物质储量似乎不足以产卵。我们假设雌性红ful在产卵前离开殖民地,以满足生产蛋的矿物质需求,可能集中在富含钙的猎物上。相比之下,我们假设雄性对资源的获取和分配使用不同的策略,该策略试图最大化脂肪和蛋白质的积累,以满足即将到来的孵化需求。在整个物种范围内,繁殖种群在典型海洋环境条件上的差异可能解释了繁殖计划中观察到的行为差异,也可能导致不同的养分动态。



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