首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Invasions >Two Asian fresh water shrimp species found in a thermally polluted stream system in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Two Asian fresh water shrimp species found in a thermally polluted stream system in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany




The river Erft and its tributary Gillbach in western Germany are thermally polluted, and harbour exotic plant and animal species introduced by aquarium hobbyists. Here, we report for the first time the occurrence of two species of fresh water shrimp, Neocaridina davidi (Bouvier, 1904) and Macrobrachium dayanum (Henderson, 1893), from these heavily modified waters. We briefly discuss their taxonomy and provide characters for distinguishing the species. Due to its dependence on warm waters, it is unlikely that M. dayanum populations will persist permanently beyond the range of the thermal pollution. In contrast, N. davidi is able to tolerate much colder temperature regimes, and might disperse further into the Rhine drainage. Known parasites of N. davidi are however rather specific, and do most likely not pose a threat to native or other introduced crustacean species.
机译:德国西部的埃尔夫特河及其支流吉尔巴赫河受到热污染,并有水族馆爱好者引入的外来动植物物种。在这里,我们首次报告了从这些经过大量改良的水域中出现的两种淡水虾,它们分别是 Neocaridina davidi(Bouvier,1904)和 Macrobrachium dayanum(Henderson,1893)。我们简要讨论了它们的分类学,并提供了区分物种的特征。由于它依赖温水,因此M不太可能。 an虫种群将永久地超出热污染的范围。相反,N。达维迪(Davidi)能够忍受更低的温度,并且可能进一步扩散到莱茵河排水系统中。 N的已知寄生虫。然而,达维迪(Davidi)具有相当的特异性,很可能不会对本地或其他引进的甲壳类造成威胁。



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