首页> 外文期刊>Advances in high energy physics >On the Superstrings-Induced Four-Dimensional Gravity and Its Applications to Cosmology

On the Superstrings-Induced Four-Dimensional Gravity and Its Applications to Cosmology




We review the status of the fourth-order (quartic in the spacetime curvature) terms induced by superstrings/M-theory (compactified on a warpedtorus) in the leading order with respect to the Regge slope parameter, andstudy their (nonperturbative) impact on the evolution of the Hubble scalein the context of the four-dimensional FRW cosmology. After taking intoaccount the quantum ambiguities in the definition of the off-shell superstringeffective action, we propose the generalized Friedmann equations, find theexistence of their (de Sitter) exact inflationary solutions without a spacetimesingularity, and constrain the ambiguities by demanding stability andthe scale factor duality invariance of our solutions. The most naive (Bel-Robinson tensor squared) quartic terms are ruled out, thus giving the evidencefor the necessity of extra quartic (Ricci tensor-dependent) terms inthe off-shell gravitational effective action for superstrings. Our methods aregeneralizable to the higher orders in the spacetime curvature.
机译:我们回顾了关于Regge坡度参数的超弦/ M理论(压缩在扭曲的弦上)按超前顺序诱导的四阶(时空曲率为四次)项的状态,并研究了它们对(非扰动性)影响的影响。哈勃尺度在四维FRW宇宙学背景下的演变。在考虑了壳外超弦有效作用的定义中的量子歧义后,我们提出了广义的弗里德曼方程,找到了它们的(de Sitter)精确膨胀解的存在,没有空间时奇异性,并通过要求稳定性和比例因子对偶性来约束歧义。我们解决方案的不变性。排除了最幼稚的(Bel-Robinson张量平方)的四次项,从而为超弦的壳外引力有效作用提供了额外的四次项(取决于Ricci张量的项)的证据。我们的方法可以推广到时空曲率的更高阶。



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