首页> 外文期刊>Applied Engineering >The Impact of Alternate Furrow Irrigation on Water Productivity and Yield of Potato at Small Scale Irrigation, Ejere District, West Shoa, Ethiopia

The Impact of Alternate Furrow Irrigation on Water Productivity and Yield of Potato at Small Scale Irrigation, Ejere District, West Shoa, Ethiopia




As a result of water resource shortage and the need for food self-sufficiency in Ethiopia, it has become essential to improve the productivity. In this study, an attempt was made to evaluate the impact of alternate furrow irrigation technique on yield and water productivity. Alternate furrow irrigation versus every furrow, fixed furrow and farmer practice (open-ended and unstructured furrow) were evaluated at full crop water requirement. The experimental design used was randomized complete block design with four treatment replicated five times. Results obtained revealed that average water application efficiency of alternate furrow irrigation was 67% which was high as compared to other irrigation methods at all irrigation events. Average application efficiencies of ever furrow irrigation, fixed furrow irrigation and farmer practice were 52%, 61% and 34.4% respectively. The average distribution uniformity of alternate furrow irrigation and every furrow irrigation methods were 89.3% and 85.3% respectively, which showed no significant difference between the two methods. However, average distribution uniformity of fixed furrow irrigation was 75.4%, which showed significant difference between alternate furrow and fixed furrow irrigation methods. Alternate furrow irrigation method produced total tuber yield of 33198 kg/ha which showed insignificant difference as compared with that obtained under every furrow irrigation (33369 kg/ha). Total tuber yield harvested from fixed furrow irrigation and farmer practice were 30177 kg/ha and 30098 kg/ha respectively, which showed insignificant difference between the two methods. High marketable yield of 32667.8 kg/ha was recorded from alternate furrow irrigation. Water productivity of 11.2 kg/m~3, 10.7 kg/m~3, 6.1 kg/m~3 and 4.1 kg/m~3 were produced under alternate furrow, fixed furrow, and every furrow and farmer practice respectively. It was found that alternate furrow irrigation method saved 50% of water as compared with every furrow and 68.4% as compared with farmer practice. Therefore, it is recommended alternate furrow irrigation method with appropriate irrigation interval is suitable irrigation method; for humid climate where soil is dominated by clay soil and water is liming factor for potato crop production.
机译:由于埃塞俄比亚水资源短缺和粮食自给的需要,提高生产率已变得至关重要。在这项研究中,试图评估替代沟灌技术对产量和水生产率的影响。在作物完全需水的情况下,评估了不同的垄沟灌溉与每个垄沟,固定垄沟和农民的耕作方式(无限制和无结构的垄沟)。所使用的实验设计是随机完整块设计,其中四次治疗重复五次。获得的结果表明,在所有灌溉事件中,交替犁沟灌溉的平均用水效率为67%,高于其他灌溉方法。沟灌,固定沟灌和农民耕作的平均施用效率分别为52%,61%和34.4%。交替沟灌和每种沟灌方法的平均分布均匀度分别为89.3%和85.3%,这两种方法之间没有显着差异。然而,固定沟灌的平均分布均匀度为75.4%,这表明交替沟灌和固定沟灌方法之间存在显着差异。交替沟灌法的总块茎产量为33198 kg / ha,与每次沟灌(33369 kg / ha)相比,差异不显着。通过固定沟灌和农民实践收获的块茎总产量分别为30177 kg / ha和30098 kg / ha,显示两种方法之间的差异不明显。交替进行沟灌后,可销售的高产量为32667.8 kg / ha。在交替耕作,固定耕作和每一种耕作和农民耕作的情况下,分别产生了11.2 kg / m〜3、10.7 kg / m〜3、6.1 kg / m〜3和4.1 kg / m〜3的水生产率。结果发现,与其他耕作方式相比,替代的沟灌方式可节水50%,与农民实践相比可节水68.4%。因此,建议以合适的灌溉间隔进行沟灌交替灌溉是合适的方法。在潮湿的气候中,土壤以粘土为主,水是马铃薯作物生产的主要因素。



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