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Observed Mesoscale Hydroclimate Variability of North America’s Allegheny Mountains at 40.2° N




Spatial hydroclimatic variability of Eastern North America’s Allegheny Mountain System (AMS) is commonly oversimplified to elevation differences and the rain-shadow effect. Descriptive and higher order statistical properties of hourly meteorological observations (1948–2017) from seven airports were analyzed to better understand AMS climatic complexity. Airports were located along a longitudinal transect (40.2 °N) and observation infrastructure was positioned to minimize climatic gradients associated with insolation, slope, and aspect. Results indicated average ambient temperature was well correlated with airport elevation (R 2 = 0.97). However, elevation was relatively poorly correlated to dew point temperature (R 2 = 0.80) and vapor pressure deficit (R 2 = 0.61) heterogeneity. Skewness and kurtosis of ambient and dew point temperatures were negative at all airports indicating hourly values below the median were more common and extreme values were less common than a normal distribution implies. Westerly winds accounted for 54.5% of observations indicating prevailing winds misrepresented nearly half of AMS weather phenomena. The sum of maximum hourly precipitation rates was maximized in Philadelphia, PA implying a convective precipitation maximum near the border of Piedmont and Coastal Plain provinces. Results further indicate the AMS represents a barrier to omnidirectional moisture advection suggesting physiographic provinces are characterized by distinct evapotranspiration and precipitation regimes. The current work draws attention to observed mesoscale hydroclimatic heterogeneity of the AMS region and identifies mechanisms influencing local to regional water quantity and quality issues that are relevant to many locations globally.
机译:北美东部的阿勒格尼山地系统(AMS)的空间水文气候变化通常被简化为海拔差异和雨影效应。分析了来自七个机场的每小时气象观测(1948–2017)的描述性和高级统计特性,以更好地了解AMS的气候复杂性。机场沿纵向断面(40.2°N)布置,观测基础设施的位置应尽量减少与日照,坡度和坡度有关的气候梯度。结果表明,平均环境温度与机场标高高度相关(R 2 = 0.97)。但是,海拔高度与露点温度(R 2 = 0.80)和蒸气压不足(R 2 = 0.61)异质性的相关性较差。在所有机场,环境温度和露点温度的偏度和峰度均为负值,这表明低于中值的每小时值更常见,而极端值则比正态分布所暗示的少。西风占观测值的54.5%,表明盛行风对AMS天气现象的贡献接近一半。在宾夕法尼亚州的费城,最大每小时降水率的总和最大,这意味着在皮埃蒙特和沿海平原省份边界附近的对流降水最大。结果进一步表明,AMS代表了全方位水分对流的障碍,表明生理学省份的特征在于独特的蒸散和降水机制。当前的工作引起了对AMS地区中尺度水文气候异质性的关注,并确定了影响与全球许多地方相关的局部到区域水量和水质问题的机制。



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