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New Record of Dragonfly Ictinogomphus angulosus (Selys, 1854) from State Maharashtra, India

机译:来自印度马哈拉施特拉邦的蜻蜓Ictinogomphus angulosus(1854年,塞利斯)的新记录



Dragonfliesareveryconspicuousand brightlycolored insects have long, slenderabdomen, commonlyknown as aerial predators, hunting by sight. These are mostly found around the vicinity of freshwaterhabitats like rivers, streams, marshes, lakes and even small pools and rice f ields. As predators it playsan important role in wetland and terrestrial food chains.Dragonflies are reliable indicators of overallecosystem health, and alsogood Biocontrol agents (Andrew , 2008; Tiple , 2013).The order Odonata includes both the dragonflies and damselflies, about 5,952 species andsubspecies of Odonata belonging to 652 generaare documented world-wide (Schorr & Paulson, 2014).The taxonomy of Indian Odonata is well worked out and described for almost all the reported species(Fraser, 1924; 1933; 1934; 1936; Davis & Tobin, 1984; 1985; Prasad & Varshney, 1995). India harbors 474speciesand 50 subspecies belonging to 142 genera in 18 families (Subramanian, 2014).After Fraser (1924, 1933, 1934, 1936) determining work on odonates of India, number of workersstudied odonate fauna of Maharashtra and efforts to added the species list to reach about 130 wherefrom Nagpur city alone 72 species (Mitra 1986; Prasad 1996; Tiple , 2008; Babu ., 2009;Kulkarni , 2012; Tiple 2012a, 2012b; Kulkarni & Subramanian 2013; Talmale & Tiple 2013; Tiple, 2013; Koparde , 2014). This paper adds an additional record of from Nagpur city,Maharashtraalongwith morphometricdetails.
机译:蜻蜓每一种引人注目且颜色鲜艳的昆虫都有长而纤细的腹部,通常被称为空中捕食者,以目击者狩猎。这些大多在淡水栖息地附近发现,例如河流,溪流,沼泽,湖泊,甚至是小型水池和稻田。作为蜻蜓的捕食者,它在湿地和陆地食物链中起着重要的作用。蜻蜓是整体生态系统健康的可靠指标,也是良好的生物防治剂(Andrew,2008; Tiple,2013)。蜻蜓目包括蜻蜓和蜻蜓,约有5952种亚种。在世界范围内有652属的Odonata有记载(Schorr&Paulson,2014)。对印度Odonata的分类学进行了很好的设计和描述,几乎涵盖了所有已报道的物种(Fraser,1924; 1933; 1934; 1936; Davis&Tobin,1984) ; 1985; Prasad&Varshney,1995)。印度有18个科的474个种和142个属的50个亚种(Subramanian,2014)。在弗雷泽(1924,1933,1934,1936)确定了印度的耳垢后,研究了马哈拉施特拉邦的耳垢动物区系,并努力增加了物种清单达到约130种,仅那格浦尔市就有72种(Mitra 1986; Prasad 1996; Tiple,2008; Babu。,2009; Kulkarni,2012; Tiple 2012a,2012b; Kulkarni&Subramanian 2013; Talmale&Tiple 2013; Tiple,2013; Koparde ,2014)。本文还添加了来自马哈拉施特拉邦那格浦尔市的形态记录详细信息。



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