首页> 外文期刊>Applied cancer research. >Prognostic value of factors associated with hypoxia and lipid metabolism in patients with colorectal cancer

Prognostic value of factors associated with hypoxia and lipid metabolism in patients with colorectal cancer




Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a neoplasia with high incidence and mortality rates. It had been suggested that the inflammatory response is an important CRC prognostic factor. The disordered and accelerated proliferation of neoplastic cells decreases the oxygen and nutrient supply, generating a microenvironment characterized by hypoxia, necrosis and inflammation. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of factors associated with hypoxia, such as HIF1A (hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha) and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), and with lipid metabolism, including PPARG (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma), LXRA (liver X receptor-alpha) and LXRB (liver X receptor-beta), on the overall survival (OS) of CRC patients. This was a cohort study of 101 patients with high-risk stage II-III (TNM) CRC located above the peritoneal reflection. They were treated between 1990 and 2004 at the AC Camargo Cancer Center. Immunohistochemical analyses of HIF1A, VEGF, PPARG, LXRA and LXRB protein expression were performed using tissue microarrays (TMAs). There was an association between the presence of vascular invasion and the lack of VEGF expression (p?=?0.028) as well as with positive HIF1A expression and lymphatic invasion (p?=?0.045). The 5-year and 10-year OS rates were 76.6% and 60.2%, respectively. Patients with PPARG-positive tumors had a higher OS (p?=?0.018). There were no correlations between the positive expression of VEGF, HIF1A, LXRA or LXRB and OS. The Cox regression model demonstrated that the risk of death was 2.72-fold higher in patients with PPARG-negative tumors (95% CI?=?1.08–6.85). The PPARG expression was an independent prognostic factor for CRC tumors and might be used for risk stratification to stage II and stage III CRC patients.
机译:大肠癌(CRC)是一种具有高发病率和高死亡率的肿瘤。已经提出,炎症反应是重要的CRC预后因素。肿瘤细胞的无序和加速增殖减少了氧气和营养供应,从而形成了以缺氧,坏死和炎症为特征的微环境。这项研究旨在评估与缺氧相关的因素的影响,例如HIF1A(缺氧诱导性因子1-alpha)和VEGF(血管内皮生长因子),以及与脂质代谢相关的影响,包括PPARG(过氧化物酶体增殖物激活的受体-γ) ,LXRA(肝X受体-α)和LXRB(肝X受体-β)对CRC患者的总生存期(OS)的影响。这是一项针对101位腹膜反射上方高危II-III期(TNM)CRC患者的队列研究。在1990年至2004年之间,他们在AC Camargo癌症中心接受了治疗。使用组织微阵列(TMA)对HIF1A,VEGF,PPARG,LXRA和LXRB蛋白表达进行免疫组织化学分析。血管浸润与缺乏VEGF表达(p≥0.028)之间以及HIF1A阳性表达与淋巴管浸润之间具有相关性(p≥0.045)。 5年和10年OS率分别为76.6%和60.2%。 PPARG阳性肿瘤患者的OS较高(p?=?0.018)。 VEGF,HIF1A,LXRA或LXRB的阳性表达与OS之间无相关性。 Cox回归模型表明,PPARG阴性肿瘤患者的死亡风险高2.72倍(95%CI≥1.08–6.85)。 PPARG表达是CRC肿瘤的独立预后因素,可能用于II期和III期CRC患者的危险分层。


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