首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Biological Research >Assessing the suitability of Ficus sur and Cola gigantea as raw material for pulp and paper production in Ghana

Assessing the suitability of Ficus sur and Cola gigantea as raw material for pulp and paper production in Ghana

机译:评估Ficus sur和Cola gigantea作为加纳纸浆和造纸原料的适用性



The efficient utilization of the Lesser Used timber species is of utmost importance in the sustainable management of tropical forest in Ghana. Cola gigantea and Ficus sur are two lesser utilized timber species which are available in the forest estate of Ghana. Pulp and paper production is one of the essential wood industries contributing immensely to the world economies in pulp and paper producing countries. These species could be used as material for pulp and paper if the properties are established. In this study the anatomical properties of Cola gigantea and Ficus sur were determined to ascertain their suitability for pulp and paper production. Five naturally-grown matured trees each of Cola gigantea and Ficus sur were selected from Pra-Anum Forest Reserve in the moist semideciduous (–South-east type) forest zone of Ghana. Results indicated that, the ground tissue (vessels: parenchyma: fibres) proportions for the species were 8%:43%: 49% and 9%: 47%:44% for C. gigantea and F. sur respectively. The mean fibre length, lumen diameter and double wall thickness for the species were 2.0mm, 14.8μm, 9.9μm and 1.5mm, 23.9μm 7.5μm for C. gigantea and F. sur respectively. Ficus sur can be used to produce sheets with higher tensile strength, burst index and fold endurance whilst Cola gigantea can be used for sheets with high tear index. Therefore, both Ficus sur and Cola gigantea can be used as a suitable raw material for pulp and paper production in Ghana if their pulping characteristics proved suitable.
机译:在加纳热带森林的可持续管理中,少用木材品种的有效利用至关重要。 Cola gigantea和Ficus sur是加纳森林中两种利用率较低的木材。纸浆和造纸业是重要的木材工业之一,对纸浆和造纸国的世界经济做出了巨大贡献。如果确定了性能,则这些物种可用作纸浆和纸张的材料。在这项研究中,确定了可乐和无花果的解剖特性,以确定它们对纸浆和造纸的适用性。从加纳潮湿的半落叶(-东南型)森林地区的Pra-Anum森林保护区中选出了五棵自然生长的成熟树,每棵可乐树都生长在榕树上。结果表明,该物种的地面组织(血管:薄壁组织:纤维)的比例分别为巨型梭状芽胞杆菌和F. sur。8%:43%:49%; 9%:47%:44%。该物种的平均纤维长度,管腔直径和双壁厚度分别为巨型假丝酵母和F. sur的2.0mm,14.8μm,9.9μm和1.5mm,23.9μm7.5μm。 Ficus sur可以用于生产具有更高的拉伸强度,破裂指数和耐折性的板材,而Cola gigantea可以用于具有高撕裂指数的板材。因此,如果事实证明制浆特性合适,Ficus sur和Cola gigantea均可用作加纳制浆和造纸的合适原料。



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