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Antibacterial activities of marine epibiotic bacteria isolated from brown algae of Japan




One hundred and sixteen epibiotic bacteria were isolated from the surface of nine species of brown algaeSargassum serratifolium, Sargassum fusiforme, Sargassum filicinum, Padina arborescens, Undaria pinnatifida, Petalonia fascia, Colpomenia sinuosa, Scytosiphon lomentaria andEcklonia cava which were collected at Awaji Island, Japan. Primary screening results using disc-diffusion assay revealed that, among the bacteria isolated 20% of epibiotic bacteria exhibited antibacterial activity. Among them, 10 bacteria which showed high antibacterial activity were further studied for their ability against (i) a set of fouling bacteria isolated from marine natural biofilm, (ii) some luminescentVibrio andPhotobacterium species and (iii) a panel of pathogenic bacteria. In general, inhibitory activities were high or moderate against fouling bacteria,Vibrio andPhotobacterium species, while they were found to be low against pathogenic bacteria tested. The phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that all of the bacteria with high antibacterial activity showed a close affiliation with genusBacillus. This result suggested that the genusBacillus is efficient producers of of antibacterial compounds and these epibiotic bacteria isolated are highly successful colonizers on macroalgal surfaces.
机译:从9种棕色藻类的表面分离了116种表生细菌,包括锯齿藻,羊栖菜,羊栖菜,丝线虫,帕氏草,裙带菜,紫线花,紫花藤,中华绒螯蟹,草皮草和日本草。使用圆盘扩散分析的初步筛选结果显示,在分离出的细菌中,有20%的表生细菌具有抗菌活性。在它们中,有10种具有高抗菌活性的细菌对(i)从海洋天然生物膜分离出的一组结垢细菌,(ii)一些发光弧菌和光细菌以及(iii)一组致病细菌的能力进行了进一步研究。通常,对结垢细菌,弧菌和光细菌的抑制活性较高或中等,而对所测试的病原菌则抑制活性较低。使用16S rRNA测序的系统发育分析表明,所有具有高抗菌活性的细菌均显示出与芽孢杆菌属的密切联系。该结果表明,芽孢杆菌属是抗菌化合物的有效生产者,并且分离出的这些表生细菌是在大型藻类表面上非常成功的定居者。



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