首页> 外文期刊>Agronomy >Soil Properties for Predicting Soil Mineral Nitrogen Dynamics Throughout a Wheat Growing Cycle in Calcareous Soils

Soil Properties for Predicting Soil Mineral Nitrogen Dynamics Throughout a Wheat Growing Cycle in Calcareous Soils




A better understanding of the capacity of soils to supply nitrogen (N) to wheat can enhance fertilizer recommendations. The aim of this study was to assess the soil mineral N (N min ) dynamics throughout the wheat growing season in crucial stages for the plant yield and grain protein content (GPC). To this aim, we evaluated the utility of different soil properties analyzed before sowing: (i) commonly used soil physicochemical properties, (ii) potentially mineralizable N or N o (aerobic incubation), and (iii) different extraction methods for estimating N o . A greenhouse experiment was established using samples from 16 field soils from northern Spain. Wheat N uptake and soil N min concentrations were determined at following growing stages (GS): sowing, GS30, GS37, GS60, harvest, post-harvest, and pre-sowing. Pearson’s correlation analysis of the soil properties, aerobic incubations and chemical extractions with the soil N min dynamics and N uptake, yield and GPC was performed. In addition, correlations were performed between N min and the N uptake, yield, and GPC. The dynamics of soil N min throughout the cropping season were variable, and thus, the crop N necessities were variable. The soil N min values in the early wheat growth stages were well correlated with the yield, and in the late stages, they were well correlated with GPC. N 0 was correlated with the late N uptake and GPC. However, the chemical methods that avoid the long periods required for N 0 determinations were not correlated with the N uptake in the late wheat growth stages or GPC. Conversely, clay was positively correlated with the late N min values and GPC. Chemical methods were unable to estimate the available soil N in the later stages of the growing cycle. Consequently, as incubation methods are too laborious for their widespread use, further research must be conducted.
机译:更好地了解土壤向小麦供应氮(N)的能力可以增强肥料的建议。这项研究的目的是评估整个小麦生长期中植物产量和谷物蛋白质含量(GPC)关键阶段的土壤矿质N(N min)动态。为此,我们评估了播种前分析的不同土壤特性的实用性:(i)常用的土壤理化特性,(ii)可能矿化的N或N o(需氧培养),以及(iii)估算N o的不同提取方法。使用来自西班牙北部16种田间土壤的样品建立了温室实验。在以下生长阶段(GS)确定小麦的氮素吸收量和土壤N min浓度:播种,GS30,GS37,GS60,收获,收获后和播前。进行了Pearson对土壤特性,需氧培养和化学提取与土壤N min动态以及N吸收,产量和GPC的相关性分析。另外,在N min与N摄取,产量和GPC之间进行相关。在整个种植季节中土壤N min的动态是可变的,因此,作物N的需要量也是可变的。小麦生育早期的土壤N min值与产量有很好的相关性,而在小麦的后期则与GPC有很好的相关性。 N 0与晚期氮吸收和GPC相关。但是,避免长时间测定N 0所需的化学方法与小麦生长后期或GPC中的氮吸收无关。相反,粘土与后期N min值和GPC呈正相关。化学方法无法估算生长周期后期的土壤有效氮。因此,由于孵育方法对于广泛使用而言过于费力,因此必须进行进一步的研究。



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