首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America >Potentials of some cement by-products for liming of an acid soil in the humid zone of South-Western Cameroon

Potentials of some cement by-products for liming of an acid soil in the humid zone of South-Western Cameroon




Aluminium (Al) toxicity is the major limiting factor of plant growth in acid soils. A pot trial was carried out to evaluate the effects of lime (CaCO3) from three liming materials on soil Al toxicity and the yield of maize (Zea mays L.). Two cement by-products (Agri-56 and Filler) and a conventional liming material (Limbux) were used. The acid neutralizing values for Limbux, Agri-56 and Filler were 126, 88 and 34% CaCO3 equivalent, respectively. Five rates of lime equivalent: 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 tons CaCO3 ha-1 and the three liming materials were applied in combinations as treatments. Agri-56 was as efficient as Limbux in neutralizing Al toxicity. Aluminium saturation decreased from 83% to 31, 37and 69% for Limbux, Agri-56 and Filler, respectively when 2 tons CaCO3 ha-1 was applied. Limbux and Agri-56 increased the soil pH from 4.3 to 7.1 and 6.5, respectively at equivalent rate of 16 tons CaCO3 ha-1. There was a 53.5 and 67.2% increase in maize yield for Limbux and Agri-56, respectively when 2 tons CaCO3 ha-1 was applied. Because of its availability and easy to use, Agri-56 is therefore recommended as the liming material on the acid soils of South-western Cameroon.
机译:铝(Al)毒性是酸性土壤中植物生长的主要限制因素。进行了盆栽试验,以评估三种石灰材料中的石灰(CaCO3)对土壤铝的毒性和玉米(Zea mays L.)产量的影响。使用了两种水泥副产品(Agri-56和Filler)和常规的石灰材料(Limbux)。 Limbux,Agri-56和Filler的酸中和值分别为126、88和34%CaCO3当量。石灰当量的五种比率:分别为0、2、4、8和16吨CaCO3 ha-1和三种石灰材料作为处理剂。 Agri-56在中和Al毒性方面与Limbux一样有效。当使用2吨CaCO3 ha-1时,Limbux,Agri-56和Filler的铝饱和度分别从83%降至31、37和69%。 Limbux和Agri-56分别以16吨CaCO3 ha-1的当量比例将土壤pH从4.3分别提高到7.1和6.5。当施用2吨CaCO3 ha-1时,Limbux和Agri-56的玉米产量分别增加53.5%和67.2%。由于其实用性和易用性,因此建议将Agri-56用作喀麦隆西南部酸性土壤上的石灰材料。



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