首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology >Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma Gondii and Toxocara Spp in Children with Cryptogenic Epilepsy

Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma Gondii and Toxocara Spp in Children with Cryptogenic Epilepsy




Cryptogenic epilepsy is a group of epilepsy syndromes where aetiology is unknown but an underlying brain disease is suspected. Increased seropositivity for Toxocara and Toxoplasma gondii have been observed in epileptic patients with sparse data about their seropositivity in cryptogenic epileptic patients. Therefore, we investigated the probable relationship between seropositivity against T. gondii and Toxocara with cryptogenic epilepsy. We examined patients who had cryptogenic epilepsy and healthy non epileptic controls for seropositivity for Toxocara and T. gondii antibodies by ELISA. Out of 132 cryptogenic epileptic patients, 80 (60.6 %) and 64 (48.5%) were seropositive for T. gondii and Toxocara immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies respectively. The seropositivity in the control group was 26 (43.3%) and 28 (46.7%) for T. gondii and Toxocara IgG respectively. We found a significant association between chronic T. gondii infection and cryptogenic epilepsy while the association between Toxocara infection and cryptogenic epilepsy was insignificant. Our findings indicate that toxoplasmosis may be a cause of cryptogenic epilepsy. We recommended both promoting health education to prevent such infection and screening children for toxoplasmosis which would help early treatment and so decreasing the incidence of epilepsy.
机译:隐源性癫痫是一组癫痫综合征,其病因不明,但怀疑有潜在的脑部疾病。在癫痫患者中已观察到弓形虫和弓形虫的血清阳性率增加,而在隐源性癫痫患者中其血清阳性率的数据很少。因此,我们调查了隐性癫痫对刚地弓形虫和弓形虫血清阳性的可能关系。我们通过ELISA检查了具有隐源性癫痫和健康的非癫痫对照的患者对弓形虫和弓形虫的血清阳性。在132名隐源性癫痫患者中,分别有80(60.6%)和64(48.5%)的弓形虫和Toxocara免疫球蛋白G(IgG)抗体呈血清反应阳性。刚地弓形虫和Toxocara IgG的对照组的血清阳性率为分别为26(43.3%)和28(46.7%)。我们发现弓形虫慢性感染与隐源性癫痫之间存在显着相关性,而弓形虫感染与隐源性癫痫之间的相关性无关紧要。我们的发现表明弓形虫病可能是隐源性癫痫的原因。我们建议既要进行健康教育以预防此类感染,又建议对儿童进行弓形虫病筛查,这将有助于早期治疗并因此降低癫痫的发生率。



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