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Magnetic configurations of the tilted current sheets in magnetotail




In this research, the geometrical structures of tilted current sheet andtail flapping waves have been analysed based on multiple spacecraftmeasurements and some features of the tilted current sheets have been madeclear for the first time. The geometrical features of the tilted currentsheet revealed in this investigation are as follows: (1) The magnetic fieldlines (MFLs) in the tilted current sheet are generally plane curves and theosculating planes in which the MFLs lie are about vertical to the equatorialplane, while the normal of the tilted current sheet leans severely to thedawn or dusk side. (2) The tilted current sheet may become very thin, thehalf thickness of its neutral sheet is generally much less than the minimumradius of the curvature of the MFLs. (3) In the neutral sheet, thefield-aligned current density becomes very large and has a maximum value atthe center of the current sheet. (4) In some cases, the current density is abifurcated one, and the two humps of the current density often superpose twopeaks in the gradient of magnetic strength, indicating that the magneticgradient drift current is possibly responsible for the formation of the twohumps of the current density in some tilted current sheets. Tilted currentsheets often appear along with tail current sheet flapping waves. It isfound that, in the tail flapping current sheets, the minimum curvatureradius of the MFLs in the current sheet is rather large with values around1 RE, while the neutral sheet may be very thin, with its half thicknessbeing several tenths of RE. During the flapping waves, the current sheetis tilted substantially, and the maximum tilt angle is generally larger than45°. The phase velocities of these flapping waves are several tenskm/s, while their periods and wavelengths are several tens of minutes, andseveral earth radii, respectively. These tail flapping events generally lastseveral hours and occur during quiet periods or periods of weakmagnetospheric activity.
机译:在这项研究中,基于多次航天器测量分析了倾斜电流板和尾波的几何结构,并首次弄清了倾斜电流板的一些特征。在这项研究中揭示的倾斜电流板的几何特征如下:(1)倾斜电流板中的磁力线(MFL)通常是平面曲线,并且MFL所在的密合平面大约垂直于赤道平面,而倾斜的电流表的法线严重倾斜到黎明或黄昏的一面。 (2)倾斜的电流板可能会变得非常薄,其中性板的一半厚度通常比MFL曲率的最小半径小得多。 (3)在中性片中,场取向的电流密度变得非常大,并且在电流片的中心处具有最大值。 (4)在某些情况下,电流密度被分叉成一个,并且电流密度的两个驼峰通常在磁强度的梯度中叠加两个峰值,这表明磁梯度漂移电流可能是造成电流两个驼峰的原因。一些倾斜的电流表的密度。倾斜的电流表经常与尾电流表拍动波一起出现。结果发现,在尾翼拍打电流板中,当前板中MFL的最小曲率半径相当大,其值约为1 R E ,而中性板可能为非常薄,其一半厚度为 R E 的十分之一。在拍动波期间,当前薄片基本上倾斜,并且最大倾斜角通常大于45°。这些拍动波的相速度为几十公里/秒,而它们的周期和波长分别为几十分钟和几个地球半径。这些尾巴拍打事件通常持续数小时,并且发生在安静时期或弱磁层活动时期。



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