首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Determinants of Adoption of Technologies for Cashew Production in Nampula, Mozambique

Determinants of Adoption of Technologies for Cashew Production in Nampula, Mozambique




This study analyzed determinants of adoption and intensity of use of Technologies for Cashew Production (TCP) in Nampula, Mozambique. We used cross-sectional data collected from 258 farmers’ household in 2016. A double-hurdle model was employed to assess the determinants of adoption and intensity of planting grafted seedlings and use of fungicide. The results showed that 27% of the households planted grafted seedlings with an intensity of seven seedlings annually, and 46% of famers used fungicide at 38% of intensity. Empirical results revealed that the major determinants of adoption of TCP are formal education, price of cashew nut and access to extension services. While the intensity of use is influenced by age of the household head and availability of family labor. Training in cashew was important factor for adoption and intensity of use of grafted seedlings. Adoption was higher in the district of Angoche and lower in Erati for both assessed technologies. Enhancing extension services and ensuring better cashew nut price policy are important measures for increasing adoption of grafted seedlings and fungicide application.



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