首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Influence of Water Quality and Ammonium Sulfate on Glyphosate Efficacy

Influence of Water Quality and Ammonium Sulfate on Glyphosate Efficacy




Aims: The objectives of these studies were to 1) determine west Texas water hardness values, 2) determine if glyphosate efficacy is affected by water carrier source, 3) determine if there is a benefit using reverse osmosis water as the carrier when applying glyphosate, and 4) determine if ammonium sulfate will improve glyphosate control regardless of water quality. Study Design: All trials were arranged in a randomized complete block design. Place and Duration of Study: Four studies were conducted in 2012 near Lubbock, TX, two using winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and two using Palmer amaranth ( Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) as the target species. Two winter wheat studies also were conducted in 2013 near Lubbock, TX. Methodology: Water from five pre-selected sources, ranging in total water hardness from 185 to 1046 ppm plus an RO water source (11 ppm), was used as carriers for the following four herbicide treatments: glyphosate applied at 430 and 860 g ae ha-1 with and without dry ammonium sulfate.The rate of AMS was 2 kg 100 L-1 of water. Results: West Texas water hardness values were highly variable, ranging from 91 to 1046 ppm. Water source affected glyphosate control in seven of the ten assessments over six trials conducted in two years. The reverse osmosis water source (11 ppm) was the top performing water source or was in the top performing group of sources in five of six assessments where water source impacted results. However, in several instances, water sources with cation concentrations over 800 ppm also were in the top performing group of water sources. Conclusion: In all assessments, glyphosate at 860 g ae ha-1 and ammonium sulfate improved glyphosate efficacy, regardless of plant species tested. Continued work needs to be conducted in order to further evaluate the use of reverse osmosis water as a spray carrier for glyphosate.
机译:目的:这些研究的目的是:1)确定德克萨斯州西部的水硬度值,2)确定草甘膦的功效是否受载水源的影响,3)确定在使用草甘膦时使用反渗透水作为载体是否有好处,和4)确定硫酸铵是否将改善草甘膦的控制而不管水质如何。研究设计:所有试验均按随机完整组设计进行安排。研究的地点和持续时间:2012年在德克萨斯州拉伯克市附近进行了四项研究,两项研究使用冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.),两项使用帕拉a菜(Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats。)作为目标物种。 2013年还在德克萨斯州拉伯克市附近进行了两项冬小麦研究。方法:来自五个预选水源的水(总水硬度范围从185至1046 ppm,加上RO水源(11 ppm))被用作以下四种除草剂处理的载体:草甘膦的施用量为430和860 g ae ha -1 有和没有干硫酸铵。AMS的速率为2 kg 100 L -1 水。结果:西得克萨斯州的水硬度值变化很大,范围从91到1046 ppm。在两年内进行的六项试验中,十项评估中有七项评估了水源对草甘膦的控制。反渗透水源(11 ppm)是水质影响结果的六项评估中的五项中表现最好的水源或在性能最高的水源组中。但是,在某些情况下,阳离子浓度超过800 ppm的水源也处于性能最高的水源组中。结论:在所有评估中,无论所测试的植物种类如何,860 g ae ha -1 的草甘膦和硫酸铵均可提高草甘膦的功效。为了进一步评估使用反渗透水作为草甘膦的喷雾载体,需要继续进行工作。



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