首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Grain Health Protectant Activity of Essential Oils against Infestation and Damage of Haricot Bean by Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman)

Grain Health Protectant Activity of Essential Oils against Infestation and Damage of Haricot Bean by Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman)

机译:Zabrotes subfasciatus(Boheman)精油的谷物健康保护活性对菜豆的侵染和破坏



Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of essential oils extracted from Chenopodium ambrosioides (L.), Rosmarinus officinalis (L.), Eucalyptus globulus (Labill), Trachyspermum ammi (Sprague) and Cymbopogon citratus (Stapf) against Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) under laboratory condition (27±3°C, 50-70% RH ). The test insects were reared in glass jar and investigated on whole Awash-1 haricot bean variety grains. A standard insecticide, primiphos-methyl 5% dust and untreated control were included for comparison. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design in three replications. Essential oils from the above mentioned plants were admixed with the bean grains at the rate of 750 mg/150 g of seeds. The rate of primiphos-methyl was 0.125 g/150 g of seeds. The results showed that there was complete mortality (100%) of Z. subfasciatus adults within 24 hours after treatment due to C. ambrosioides, E. globulus, T. ammi and C. citratus . Application of essential oils to bean grains significantly reduced progeny production of Z. subfasciatus . Over 97% inhibition of F1 progeny production by the pest was recorded for all essential oil treatments at the highest dose of 750 mg. Application of essential oil extracts also significantly reduced the rates of haricot bean grain infestation (up to 100%) by Z. subfasciatus . Furthermore, essential oil extracts admixed to the bean grain proved to have no significant effects on the germination capacity of the treated haricot bean grains. From the current experiment it can be concluded that the tested botanicals are as effective as primiphos-methyl which gave 100% control of Z. subfasciatus and can be used for the management of the pest.
机译:进行了实验,以评估从安布罗藜藜(L.),迷迭香(L.marinus),桉树(Labill),菱角阿米(Sprague)和香茅(Cymbopogon citratus(Stapf))提取的精油对Zabrotes subfasciatus(Boheman)的功效。鞘翅目:Bruchidae)在实验室条件下(27±3°C,50-70%RH)。将试验昆虫放在玻璃罐中饲养,并对整个Awash-1扁豆品种谷物进行调查。为了进行比较,还包括了标准的杀虫剂,5%的丙硫磷粉尘和未经处理的对照。实验以完全随机的设计安排,一式三份。将上述植物的精油与豆类谷物以750 mg / 150 g种子的比例混合。甲基苯丙磷的比率为0.125 g / 150 g种子。结果表明,在治疗后的24小时内,由于筋膜梭状芽孢杆菌,球形小肠球菌,氨纶梭状芽胞杆菌和柠檬梭状芽孢杆菌,完全可以完全治愈(100%)的准直线虫亚种。豆油中精油的应用显着降低了亚纹线虫的后代产量。在最高剂量为750 mg的所有精油处理中,有害生物对F1子代产生的抑制率均超过97%。精油提取物的应用还显着降低了亚带状线虫对扁豆粒的侵染率(高达100%)。此外,与豆粒混合的精油提取物对处理过的扁豆粒的发芽能力没有明显影响。从目前的实验中可以得出结论,所测试的植物药与原草磷一样有效,后者可以100%地控制灰褐线虫(Z. subs fasciatus),并且可以用于害虫的处理。



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