首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Networks >A novel approach of service discovery based on tree directory architecture in Ad-Hoc grid environment

A novel approach of service discovery based on tree directory architecture in Ad-Hoc grid environment




Grid computing is a new technology that using communication infrastructure facilities of computer networks and distributed systems features are able to connect to heterogeneous computing resources, so that the whole structure seems as an integrated virtual machine. One of the important problems in ad hoc grid environment is service discovery. In this paper, we propose tree directory architecture for service discovery in ad hoc grid environment, So that we used directory technique for implement of service discovery mechanism. We'll show that having a directory in ad hoc gird network isn't useful, so we need to have a set of directories. Therefore, the geographical area of ad hoc network divide into a 2-D logical hierarchical grid and each cell in the grid, select a directory as agent cell. By using tree architecture, the whole directory is designed as a multi-layer tree. Then, the request of requestor can be search for service discovery from bottom to top. We show using the simulation results that tree architecture for directories to raise the discovery success ratio.
机译:网格计算是一项新技术,利用计算机网络的通信基础设施和分布式系统功能可以连接到异构计算资源,因此整个结构看起来像是一个集成的虚拟机。临时网格环境中的重要问题之一是服务发现。在本文中,我们提出了树形目录体系结构,用于在ad hoc网格环境中进行服务发现,以便我们使用目录技术来实现服务发现机制。我们将证明在临时网格网络中建立目录没有用,因此我们需要一组目录。因此,ad hoc网络的地理区域分为二维逻辑层次结构网格和网格中的每个单元,选择一个目录作为代理单元。通过使用树结构,整个目录被设计为多层树。然后,请求者的请求可以从下到上搜索服务发现。我们使用仿真结果显示目录树结构可以提高发现成功率。



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