首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Plant Sciences >A New Fuzzless Seed Locus in an Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Mutant

A New Fuzzless Seed Locus in an Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Mutant




Various fiber mutants of cotton have been reported since 1920. Two of the best characterized mutants are the naked seed loci, N1N1 and n2n2. Recently, a naked-tufted mutant called 9023 nt4 was developed from the cultivar SC 9023 through chemical mutagenesis. The mutant was tested to determine if it was allelic to either N1, or n2 or was a unique mutant in a new uncharacterized locus. In 1999, one M3 plant from SC 9023 with tufted partially naked seed coat (fuzzless) was identified. In 2004, 2006, and 2007 (Lubbock, TX), 2007 (College Station, TX), and 2011 (Stoneville, MS), the homozygous naked seed mutant was evaluated with the non-mutated wild type parent (SC 9023) in rep-licated trials for agronomic and fiber traits. Crosses between the mutant and the wild type was made at Stoneville, MS in 2009. The F2 of this cross segregated in a 3 fuzzy: 1 fuzzless ratio indicating that the fuzzless trait in the mutant is controlled by a recessive locus. Allelism tests with N1N1, n2n2 and n3n3, lint percent, and fiber trait data indicated that the new locus in the mutant differs from the previously characterized fuzzless seed alleles in that it does not appear to decrease lint percent. We have putatively designated this gene nt4nt4 .
机译:自1920年以来,已经报道了棉花的各种纤维突变体。特征最突出的两个突变体是裸种子基因座N1N1和n2n2。最近,通过化学诱变从SC 9023品种中开发出了一种名为9023 nt4的簇簇突变体。测试该突变体以确定其是否与N1或n2等位基因,或者是在新的未表征基因座中的独特突变体。 1999年,从SC 9023的一处M3植物中发现了簇绒的部分裸露的种皮(无绒毛)。在2004年,2006年和2007年(德克萨斯州吕伯克市),2007年(德克萨斯州大学城)和2011年(德克萨斯州斯通维尔)中,对纯合裸种子突变体进行了无突变野生型亲本(SC 9023)农艺和纤维性状的相关试验。突变体与野生型之间的杂交是在2009年在密西西比州的斯托克维尔进行的。该杂交的F2以3模糊:1无毛比率分离,表明该突变体的无毛性状受隐性基因座控制。用N1N1,n2n2和n3n3,皮棉百分比和纤维性状数据进行的等位基因测试表明,该突变体中的新基因座与以前表征的无绒毛等位基因不同,因为它似乎没有降低皮棉百分比。我们推定该基因为nt4nt4。



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