首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Plant Sciences >Infraspecific Delimitation of Acacia senegal (Fabaceae) in Uganda

Infraspecific Delimitation of Acacia senegal (Fabaceae) in Uganda




The wide variation in Acacia senegal has presented taxonomic uncertainties and unresolved contradictions in previous studies. In this study numerical taxonomic principles and multivariate analysis (UPGMA PCoA and PCA) were used basing on 69 characters derived from growth form, branchlets, leaves, flowers, pods and seed. Three taxa, namely; variety senegal, leiorhachis and kerensis have been discerned and described significantly improving the delimitations of previous studies. The wide variation within var. senegal has been split into three recognizable variants and that of var. leiorhachis into two. The most important characters for differentiating the taxa include leaf breadth and length, pinna length and its ratio to pinna breadth, number of leaflet pairs, petiolar gland shape, petiolar and rachis gland size, stem and branch bark texture, stem and branchlet colour, under-bark colour for stem and branches, pod apical shape, growth form, crown shape, and prickly state of leaves. An identification key has been constructed which, for the first time, can be used to assign herbarium specimens to their respective taxa.
机译:塞内加尔相思树的广泛差异在先前的研究中显示出分类学上的不确定性和未解决的矛盾。在这项研究中,使用了数字分类学原理和多元分析(UPGMA PCoA和PCA),其依据是生长形式,枝,叶,花,豆荚和种子的69个特征。三类,即;塞内加尔,leiorhachis和kerensis品种已经被发现并被描述,大大改善了先前研究的界限。 var中的广泛变化。塞内加尔已分为var和三种可识别的变体。 leiorhachis一分为二。区分分类单元的最重要特征包括叶片宽度和长度,耳廓长度及其与耳廓的比率,小叶对的数量,叶柄腺的形状,叶柄和ra的腺体的大小,茎和分支的树皮纹理,茎和小枝的颜色-茎和树枝的树皮颜色,豆荚的顶端形状,生长形式,冠状和叶片的多刺状态。构造了一个识别码,该识别码首次可用于将植物标本集分配给它们各自的分类单元。



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