首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Plant Sciences >The Relationship of the Sapstreak Fungus, Ceratocystis virescens, to Sugar Maple Dieback and Decay in Northern Michigan

The Relationship of the Sapstreak Fungus, Ceratocystis virescens, to Sugar Maple Dieback and Decay in Northern Michigan

机译:密执安州北部的苹果树真菌,雪绒藻(Ceratocystis virescens)与糖枫死色和腐烂的关系



Unusually high levels of dieback have recently been reported in sugar maple, Acer saccharum Marsh., in Upper Michigan, and a network of plots was established to determine the extent and factors associated with the dieback. A possible contributor to this dieback is sapstreak disease caused by Ceratocystis virescens (Davidson) Moreau. Unhealthy trees with considerable crown dieback were evaluated across the western Upper Peninsula, MI to determine the prevalence of the sapstreak fungus using a minimally destructive sampling technique. Approximately 8% of 90 trees sampled were sapstreak positive and approximately 10% of trees were positive at one site that had recently been harvested. While the high levels of maple dieback present in these forests appear not to be directly caused by widespread sapstreak disease, the occurrence of sapstreak may be significantly impacting trees at some locations. However, even when present on a low number of trees, the biointeraction of sapstreak and decay rates from other fungi could be important for future tree mortality and value to the forest industry. Therefore, the effect of two sapstreak fungal isolates on the amount of decay caused by two common maple white rot fungi, Trametes versicolor (L.:Fr.) Pilat. And Irpex lacteus (Fr.:Fr.) Fr. was tested in the laboratory. Sugar maple wood blocks were precolonized by two native isolates of C. virescens followed by inoculation and incubation with decay fungi. Mean percent weight loss of blocks by white rot decay fungi ranged from 39% to 55%, but decay rates were not significantly affected by the presence of the sapstreak fungus.
机译:最近在上密歇根州的枫糖枫枫糖业报道了异常高水平的回死,并且建立了一个地块网络以确定与回生相关的程度和因素。这种死亡的可能归因于由维拉角藻(Davidson)Moreau引起的败血病。在密西根州上半岛西部对具有严重冠枯病的不健康树木进行了评估,以使用最小破坏性采样技术确定苹果树皮真菌的患病率。在最近采伐的一个地点,所采样的90棵树中约有8%为树突型阳性,约10%的树为阳性。虽然这些森林中存在的高枫叶枯死率似乎不是由广泛的蜂蜡病直接引起的,但蜂蜡的发生可能会严重影响某些地方的树木。但是,即使存在于少量树木上,苹果树皮的生物相互作用和其他真菌的腐烂率对于未来树木的死亡率和对林业的价值也可能很重要。因此,两种五倍子真菌分离物对由两种常见的枫白腐真菌Trametes versicolor(L.:Fr.)Pilat引起的腐烂量的影响。还有Irpex lacteus(Fr.:Fr。)在实验室进行了测试。糖枫木块用两种天然分离的梭状芽孢杆菌预先定殖,然后接种并与腐烂真菌一起孵育。白腐烂腐烂真菌的块体平均失重百分率在39%至55%之间,但腐烂速率不受鼠尾草真菌的影响。



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