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Present State of Pasture Types of the Central Kyzylkum




The modern state of desert pastures of the Central Kyzylkum has been studied. The pasture territories of the Central Kyzylkum are distributed on sandy soils (14%), salt marshes (6%), gravellyloamy gray-brown soils (75%) and riparian nature-territorial complexes (5%). The main (75%) areas of pasture are occupied by the gravelly-loamy gray-brown soils which are dominated by species of sagebrushes. There are formed of 8 pasture types depending on the properties of natural complexes. The main type of pasture is sagebrushes (Mixto artemisieta), which occupy 60% of the pasture area, and then follow Peganeta harmala, Mixto calligoneta, Halocnemeta strobilacei, Tamariceta varia, Haloxyleta aphylli, Convolvuleta hamadae and Mixshrubs pasture types. The share of fodder plants is high (an average of 83%) in the flora of the study area. According to seasonal grazing, pastures of the Central Kyzylkum can be divided 5 groups: year-round, spring, spring-summer, autumn-winter and unsuitable pastures for grazing. Among them are prevail year-round grazing pastures. The numbers of annual plants and abundance venomous plants in the flora are indicators of pasture degradation in the study area. Annual plants may occupy 55% of composition of plant communities on degraded sites, besides the pasture types which formed under the influence of anthropogenic factors. In Central Kyzylkum newly formed and transformed pasture types occupy 25% of pastures.
机译:已经研究了中部Kyzylkum沙漠牧场的现代状态。中部Kyzylkum的草场分布在沙质土壤(14%),盐沼(6%),砾石灰褐色土壤(75%)和河岸自然-领土复合体(5%)上。牧场的主要区域(75%)被砾石质壤土的灰棕色土壤所占据,这些土壤以鼠尾草属植物为主。根据天然复合物的性质,有8种牧场类型。牧草的主要类型是鼠尾草(Mixto artemisieta),占草场面积的60%,然后是Peganeta harmala,Mixto calligoneta,Halocnemeta strobilacei,Tamariceta varia,Haloxyleta aphylli,Convolvuleta hamadae和Mixshrubs牧草类型。在研究区的植物区系中,饲料植物所占的比例很高(平均为83%)。根据季节性放牧,Kyzylkum中部的牧场可分为五类:全年,春季,春夏,秋冬和不合适的牧场。其中有盛行的全年放牧牧场。植物区系中一年生植物和有毒植物的数量是该研究区牧场退化的指标。除了在人为因素的影响下形成的牧场类型以外,年生植物还可能占据退化地点植物群落组成的55%。在中部Kyzylkum,新形成和改造的牧场类型占牧场的25%。



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