首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Plant Sciences >Detection and Adaptation in Parasitic Angiosperm Host Selection

Detection and Adaptation in Parasitic Angiosperm Host Selection




Developmental transitions in some parasitic angiosperms are tied directly to host-derived chemical cues (xenognosins). The obligate hemi-parasite Striga asiatica, initiates the root apical meristem population (germination), development of the host attachment organ (the haustorium), and shoot apical meristem initiation (seed coat shedding) in response to specific xengonosins. These checkpoints synchronize spatial and temporal tissue development. We have now exploited the external control over these developmental transitions to trace functional expression in haustorial organogenesis. Genes associated with phytohormone regulation, metabolism, vascular tissue development, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production identified in this study suggest an elaborate and global response closely tied to plant defense and redox chemistry that may also be components of a more general quorum sensing-type mechanism in plants.
机译:一些寄生被子植物的发育转变直接与宿主来源的化学线索(异种素)相关。专性半寄生虫亚洲叉线虫(Striga asiatica)会引发根尖分生组织(发芽),宿主附着器官(泌尿生殖道)的发育,并会针对特定的Xengonosins引发根尖分生组织的萌发(种子皮脱落)。这些检查点使空间和时间组织发育同步。现在,我们已经利用对这些发育过渡的外部控制来追踪功能性表达在吸烟器官发生中的作用。在这项研究中,与植物激素调节,代谢,维管组织发育和活性氧(ROS)产生相关的基因表明,精细的全球响应与植物防御和氧化还原化学密切相关,这也可能是更普遍的群体感应的组成部分-植物中的类型机制。



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