首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics >Forecasting the Effects of Roll Back Malaria Intervention in Mubi North Local Government Area, Nigeria: An PAR (p) Model Approach

Forecasting the Effects of Roll Back Malaria Intervention in Mubi North Local Government Area, Nigeria: An PAR (p) Model Approach

机译:预测尼日利亚Mubi North地方政府地区回滚疟疾干预的效果:PAR (p)模型方法



Malaria is a long lasting parasitic disease which transmit through the bites of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. The World Health Organization report shows that malaria is transmitted throughout Nigeria with 97% of the population at risk. It is a leading cause of mortality in children under five years of age and responsible for an estimated 225,000 deaths annually. To effectively tack the increasing global problem of malaria, Roll Back malaria was launched in 1998 as a new intervention to bring malaria cases to the barest minimum by year 2015 in Africa. However, the program still fall short of achieving universal access to preventive measure, diagnosis testing and treatment (WHO, 2012). Nigeria is one of the countries that are unable to provide evidence of impact due to incompleteness or inconsistency of reporting over time. In this study a modified version of Poisson Exponentially weighted Moving Average (PEWMA), the Poisson Autoregressive (PAR(p)) model, is used to model the trend and forecast of malaria cases in Mubi North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. The data on reported cases of malaria from the year 2008 to 2015 were obtained from National Health Management Information System through Primary Health Care Agency in Mubi. The analysis shows that a minimum of 1457 monthly cases of malaria were reported before and after the intervention. Stationarity of the data was obtained using natural logarithm transformation at the first difference and the adequate model for the Poisson Autoregressive model of order p is ARIMA (3, 1, 0). Result indicates a significant decline in monthly cases of malaria with AR 1, 2 and 3 estimates values as -0.864, -0.556 and -0.238 and a significant p-values as 0.00, 0.00 and 0.004 respectively. The forecasting results for the months of January, February and March 2016 malaria counts are 657, 348 and 256 respectively, this result shows that malaria cases is declining significantly and thus we recommend that the Government should sustain the intervention.
机译:疟疾是一种持久的寄生虫病,通过被感染的雌性按蚊的叮咬传播。世界卫生组织的报告显示,疟疾在尼日利亚全境传播,有97%的人口处于危险之中。它是五岁以下儿童死亡的主要原因,估计每年导致225,000人死亡。为了有效解决日益严重的全球性疟疾问题,1998年发起了回滚疟疾,这是一项新的干预措施,旨在到2015年将非洲的疟疾病例降至最低水平。但是,该计划仍未能实现普遍获得预防措施,诊断测试和治疗的权利(WHO,2012)。尼日利亚是由于报告时间不完整或不一致而无法提供影响证据的国家之一。在这项研究中,泊松指数加权移动平均线(PEWMA)的修改版本,即泊松自回归(PAR(p))模型,用于对尼日利亚阿达玛瓦州北穆比北部地方政府区域的疟疾病例趋势和预测进行建模。 2008年至2015年报告的疟疾病例数据是通过Mubi的初级卫生保健机构从国家卫生管理信息系统获得的。分析表明,干预前后每月至少报告1457例疟疾。数据的平稳性是使用自然对数变换在第一个差处获得的,阶p的泊松自回归模型的适当模型是ARIMA(3,1,0)。结果表明,疟疾的每月病例显着下降,AR,2和3的估计值分别为-0.864,-0.556和-0.238,p值分别为0.00、0.00和0.004。 2016年1月,2月和3月的疟疾预测数分别为657、348和256,这一结果表明疟疾病例显着下降,因此我们建议政府应继续采取干预措施。



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