首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Engineering Research >Implemetation of Futuristic Web-Based Application for Insurance Services

Implemetation of Futuristic Web-Based Application for Insurance Services




The management of information and service delivery in insurance companies has remained largely low-tech, relying on paper-based customer service and face-to-face communication. This inimical approach to insurance service is the reason for the low penetration of the insurance industry not just in Nigeria but around the globe compared to the progress rate of its sister banking industry. The aim of this research work is to develop a Web Based Application for Insurance Services as a panacea to the low insurance penetration menace around the globe by computerizing the acquisition and update of policy holder profile, provision of quotes to prospective customers, ca lculation of premium, payment of premium, making claims and all insurance service. The Web Application was developed with the Microsoft ASP.NET C# programming language for the back end, using the Microsoft Visual Studio as the development environment (IDE), Microsoft SQL for database with some HTML codes used for the front end design of the web application. The study adopted the Agile development approach in the system development life cycle and Object Oriented Design and Analysis (OOAD) in the design and analysis phase. Unified Modeling Language (UML) was used as a graphical language to specify diagrams for documenting the behavior of the system. The system has undergone unit testing (with different test values and results), integration testing and system testing. The system is recommended for use by insurance companies that are still paper based and those that have not fully computerize the insurance value chain in their operation. This system is design to accommodate future development and can be easily tweaked to fit into the fashion of any insurance company. The system has been proven to be efficient and dependable.
机译:保险公司的信息和服务交付管理很大程度上仍然是低技术的,依靠纸质客户服务和面对面的交流。与其姊妹银行业的发展速度相比,这种对保险服务的不礼貌的做法不仅导致尼日利亚乃至全球保险业渗透率低。这项研究工作的目的是通过计算机化保单持有人资料的获取和更新,向潜在客户提供报价,计算保费来开发一种基于Web的保险服务应用程序,作为解决全球范围内低保险渗透率威胁的灵丹妙药,支付保费,索赔和所有保险服务。该Web应用程序是使用Microsoft ASP.NET C#编程语言开发的,用于后端,使用Microsoft Visual Studio作为开发环境(IDE),用于数据库的Microsoft SQL和一些HTML代码用于该Web应用程序的前端设计。该研究在系统开发生命周期中采用了敏捷开发方法,而在设计和分析阶段则采用了面向对象的设计与分析(OOAD)。统一建模语言(UML)被用作一种图形语言,用于指定用于记录系统行为的图表。该系统已进行了单元测试(具有不同的测试值和结果),集成测试和系统测试。推荐该系统供仍基于纸张的保险公司以及尚未完全将保险价值链计算机化的保险公司使用。该系统的设计可以适应未来的发展,并且可以轻松进行调整以适应任何保险公司的需求。该系统已被证明是高效且可靠的。



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