首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics >Parametric and Non Parametric Estimates of Malaria Attributable Fractions among Children in South West Nigeria

Parametric and Non Parametric Estimates of Malaria Attributable Fractions among Children in South West Nigeria




Malaria in children remains a major public health problem particularly in the tropics. Fever is one of the major symptoms of malaria; however, not all fever cases is as a result of malaria. Therefore this study estimated the proportion of fever cases that can be attributed to malaria among children in south west Nigeria. Records of all children (≤ 12yrs) eligible for the study were used for the analysis. Malaria attributable fraction (MAF) was estimated using 3 approaches: Classical method, parametric (logistic regression model) and non parametric regression methods (local linear smoothing). The proportion of children with fever increased during the first 3 years of life and thereafter decreased but was not significant with age. The prevalence of parasitemia decreased with increasing age. The MAF obtained from the classical method was 0.27 (95% CI, 0.1784-0.3520). The parasite density specific attributable fraction estimates from logistic regression analysis were 0.0385 (95% CI, 0.0105- 0.0665) and 0.3215 (95% CI, 0.2738- 0.3691) for ≤999μl and ≥1000μl categories respectively. The nonparametric estimate of the MAF obtained was 0.24 (95% CI, 0.1785- 0.3119). The prevalence of malaria disease and fever during childhood remained high. The results suggest a monotone increasing function and shows that the logistic regression method is a better method in determining malaria attributable fractions.



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