首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Cancer Prevention >Value of Genetic Incidental Findings Related to Cancer Causing Genes

Value of Genetic Incidental Findings Related to Cancer Causing Genes




Purpose: Generation of incidental findings (IFs) from whole genome and exome sequencing raise several questions about the return of IFs to donors in the research setting. One important aspect that is highly understudied is whether individuals from the general public value the return of IFs and what individual characteristics are associated with these values. Methods: We used a willingness to pay (WTP) survey—an economic tool—to evaluate the values individuals place on the information provided by a genetic counseling consultation providing IFs for cancer causing genes. An online survey was administered through ResearchMatch, a national registry, in June 2015. Along with demographics, attitudinal and health-related questions, survey respondents were asked WTP questions to reveal the values for IFs information specifically for cancer causing genes. Results: The average WTP of 94 respondents was $161 (95% CI: $132-202) for a one-time IF consultation for cancer causing genes. Income was significantly associated with WTP. Respondents with annual household incomes ≥$80,000, on average, were WTP $75 more for a counseling consultation in comparison to those with incomes ≤$39,999 raising concerns for the ability to pay for IFs. The strongest predictor of WTP was respondents’ perceptions regarding the importance of genetic health information for preventing diseases. Conclusions: Understanding individuals’ value of information on IFs can help guide policy and normative recommendations. Future research should include individual preferences for return of IFs, explore if return of IFs may be harmful, and evaluate how it may impact subsequent treatment, health-related behaviors, non-health-related behaviors, and healthcare disparity. Implications for Cancer Survivors: This research provides insight into how individuals value identification of genetic related risk for cancer. This has important implications for those who may want to know if they are susceptible for re-occurrence risk and risk of family members.
机译:目的:从整个基因组中产生偶然发现(IFs)和外显子组测序提出了一些关于在研究环境中将IFs返回给供体的问题。值得深入研究的一个重要方面是,来自公众的个人是否重视IF的回报以及与这些价值观相关的个体特征。方法:我们使用了一项支付意愿调查(WTP)(一种经济工具)来评估个人在遗传咨询咨询提供的信息中所提供的价值,该咨询提供了致癌基因的IF。 2015年6月,通过国家注册机构ResearchMatch对在线调查进行了管理。除了人口统计,态度和健康相关问题外,还向调查受访者提出了WTP问题,以揭示针对致癌基因的IFs信息的价值。结果:对于癌症基因的一次IF咨询,平均94名受访者的WTP为161美元(95%CI:132-202美元)。收入与污水处理厂显着相关。家庭年收入≥80,000美元的受访者,与年收入≤39,999美元的受访者相比,平均心理咨询师要多支付WTP 75美元,这令人担忧。 WTP的最强预测指标是受访者对遗传健康信息对预防疾病的重要性的看法。结论:了解个人关于中频信息的价值可以帮助指导政策和规范性建议。未来的研究应包括个人喜好IF的回报,探索IF的回报是否有害,并评估其如何影响后续治疗,健康相关行为,非健康相关行为以及医疗保健差异。对癌症幸存者的影响:这项研究提供了有关个体如何重视鉴定与遗传相关的癌症风险的见解。这对那些可能想知道他们是否容易复发的风险和家庭成员的风险具有重要意义。



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