首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences >Comparison of Left and Right Fingertip PPG Signals Using Signal Power Estimates and Poincare Indexes

Comparison of Left and Right Fingertip PPG Signals Using Signal Power Estimates and Poincare Indexes




Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive method to measure the relative blood volume change in blood vessels used in a wide range of medical applications. PPG signals can be recorded from different body regions such as fingertips, forehead and earlobes. In this study, information content of PPG signals of the left and the right index fingertips are processed and analyzed. PPG recordings are performed from ten healthy volunteers. Prior to recordings, all volunteers take rest for five minutes. Using a dedicated measurement system, signals are recorded from the left and the right fingertips of each volunteer simultaneously for 60 seconds with a sampling frequency of 50Hz, digitized with 10-bit resolution and stored in a personal computer. Signal average power and Poincare indexes of the signals are estimated and statistically analyzed. There are no systematic differences between the signal power estimated from the left and right fingertip signals (P>0.5). The signal power estimates for the left and the right fingertips show moderate correlations of 0.78, 0.80 and 0.68 for 0-4Hz, 0-2Hz and 2-4Hz frequency bands, respectively. When Poincare indexes SD1 and SD1/SD2 are considered, there are no systematic differences between the left and right fingertip signals (P > 0.5) however a systematic difference exists between the SD2 estimates (P=0.15). SD1 and SD1/SD2 estimates for the left and the right fingertips show high positive correlations of 1.00 and 0.99, respectively. However, a correlation of -0.30 exits for the left and the right fingertips when SD2 estimate is considered.
机译:光电容积描记术(PPG)是一种非侵入性方法,用于测量广泛用于医疗应用的血管中的相对血容量变化。可以从不同的身体部位(例如指尖,前额和耳垂)记录PPG信号。在这项研究中,处理和分析了左和右食指的PPG信号的信息内容。 PPG的录音来自十名健康志愿者。在录制之前,所有志愿者都要休息五分钟。使用专用的测量系统,以60Hz的采样频率同时记录每个志愿者左,右指尖的信号,持续60秒,以10位分辨率数字化并存储在个人计算机中。估计信号的平均功率和庞加莱指数并进行统计分析。从左右指尖信号估计的信号功率之间没有系统差异(P> 0.5)。左,右指尖的信号功率估计值分别显示0-4Hz,0-2Hz和2-4Hz频带的0.78、0.80和0.68的适度相关性。当考虑庞加莱指数SD1和SD1 / SD2时,左右指尖信号之间没有系统性差异(P> 0.5),但是SD2估计值之间存在系统性差异(P = 0.15)。左右两个指尖的SD1和SD1 / SD2估计值分别显示1.00和0.99的高正相关。但是,当考虑SD2估计时,左,右指尖的相关系数为-0.30。



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