首页> 外文期刊>Acta amazonica >Decapod crustaceans used as food by the Yanomami Indians of the Balawa-ú village, State of Amazonas, Brazil

Decapod crustaceans used as food by the Yanomami Indians of the Balawa-ú village, State of Amazonas, Brazil




The Yanomami are a group of South American Indians that live in the rainforest along the borderlands of Brazil and Venezuela. They depend on hunting, gardening and wild food for survival; crustaceans are a highly prized food item in their diet. Taxonomical and ethnozoological aspects of the Yanomami Indians of the Balawa-ú village, state of Amazonas, Brazil, related to the crustaceans are described. Information and specimens were obtained from August to December, 2003. Interviews were conducted with residents of the village and focused on questions about species exploited, indigenous names, modes of capture and use of the species. One shrimp species of the family Palaemonidae (Macrobrachium brasiliense) and two crab species of Trichodactylidae (Sylviocarcinus pictus, Valdivia serrata) as well as two of Pseudothelphusidae (Fredius fittkaui, F. platyacanthus) were recorded. The indigenous names applied to these species are: shuhu, for shrimp, oko and peimatherimi for each of the two pseudothelphusid crabs, and hesiki t?t?rema for both trichodactylid crabs.
机译:亚诺马米人是一群南美印第安人,他们生活在巴西和委内瑞拉边境的雨林中。他们依靠狩猎,园艺和野生食物为生。甲壳类动物是他们饮食中非常珍贵的食物。描述了巴西亚马孙州巴拉瓦-村的亚诺玛米印第安人与甲壳类动物相关的分类学和人类学方面。信息和标本从2003年8月至12月获得。与该村居民进行了访谈,重点关注有关所开发物种,土著名称,捕获方式和使用方式的问题。记录到一种虾科(Palaemonidae)(巴西柔毛Macrobrachium brasiliense)和两种蟹(Trichodactylidae)(Sylviocarcinus pictus,Valdivia serrata)以及两种Pseudothelphusidae(Fredius fittkaui,F。platyacanthus)。适用于这些物种的土著名称是:shuhu,分别代表虾,oko和peimatherimi,分别代表两个假t鱼蟹,和hesiki t?t?rema,分别代表三足蟹。



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