首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of BioScience >Toxic Effects of Organochlorine Pesticides: A Review

Toxic Effects of Organochlorine Pesticides: A Review




This study is aimed at compiling the toxicological aspects of organochlorine compounds (OCCs) including pesticides among different animal models. Tests on animal species like Mean Probable Effect Concentration Quotient (PEC-Q) test, DNA repair assays and histopathological examinations have shown positive results for the toxicity of organochlorine pesticides. The results were observed on different animals including fishes, furseals, frogs, rats, bats and humans. In fishes, endosulfan is found to have acute toxicities. Similarly, organophosphorus, synthetic pyrethroids and microbial insecticides were also found to show their toxic effects. Some compounds such as lambda-cyhalothrin showed a very high toxicity on fish followed by fenvalerate, deltamethrin and cypermethrin. Exposure to OCCs can impart foe cell death by inducing Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Pathway (MAPK) which is associated with cell growth differentiation and apoptosis. On studying the genotoxic effects of OCCs on germ cells of mouse, it was observed that a lethal mutation can occur just after one mating interval. Increase in the number of micronucleated cells has also been seen after OCC exposure. Neuro-behavioural studies on rats showed the presence of tremors caused by chlordecone and p,p'DDT. Tumorigenicity by organochlorine pesticides is seen to be an epigenetic mechanism in a DNA repair assay. Acute poisoning was seen in liver, kidney and testis of albino rat due to the toxic effect of dursban and DDT. Great declines in populations have been seen due to OCC toxicity in different animal species. Direct and indirect exposure to these compounds should be reduced so as to minimize the possible health hazards.
机译:这项研究旨在汇编不同动物模型中有机氯化合物(OCC)的毒理学方面,包括农药。对动物物种的测试,例如平均可能效应浓度商(PEC-Q)测试,DNA修复测定和组织病理学检查,显示出有机氯农药毒性的积极结果。在不同的动物(包括鱼,糠醛,青蛙,大鼠,蝙蝠和人类)上观察到了结果。在鱼类中,发现硫丹具有急性毒性。同样,还发现有机磷,合成拟除虫菊酯和微生物杀虫剂显示出毒性作用。一些化合物,例如氟氯氰菊酯对鱼类显示出极高的毒性,其后是氰戊菊酯,溴氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯。暴露于OCC可以通过诱导与细胞生长分化和凋亡相关的促分裂原活化蛋白激酶通路(MAPK)来使敌人死亡。在研究OCC对小鼠生殖细胞的遗传毒性作用时,观察到仅在一个交配间隔后即可发生致命突变。 OCC暴露后也发现微核细胞数量增加。对大鼠的神经行为研究表明,存在十氯酮和p,p'DDT引起的震颤。在DNA修复测定中,有机氯农药的致瘤性被视为表观遗传机制。由于dursban和DDT的毒性作用,在白化病大鼠的肝脏,肾脏和睾丸中发现了急性中毒。由于不同动物物种的OCC毒性,种群数量出现了大幅下降。应减少直接和间接接触这些化合物,以最大程度地减少对健康的危害。



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