首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Pure Mathematics >The Theory of Higher-Order Types of Asymptotic Variation for Differentiable Functions. Part I: Higher-Order Regular, Smooth and Rapid Variation

The Theory of Higher-Order Types of Asymptotic Variation for Differentiable Functions. Part I: Higher-Order Regular, Smooth and Rapid Variation




Motivated by a general theory of finite asymptotic expansions in the real domain for functions f of one real variable, a theory developed in a previous series of papers, we present a detailed survey on the classes of higher-order asymptotically-varying functions where “asymptotically” stands for one of the adverbs “regularly, smoothly, rapidly, exponentially”. For order 1 the theory of regularly-varying functions (with a minimum of regularity such as measurability) is well established and well developed whereas for higher orders involving differentiable functions we encounter different approaches in the literature not linked together, and the cases of rapid or exponential variation, even of order 1, are not systrematically treated. In this semi-expository paper we systematize much scattered matter concerning the pertinent theory of such classes of functions hopefully being of help to those who need these results for various applications. The present Part I contains the higher-order theory for regular, smooth and rapid variation.



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